域名年龄: 9年12个月HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2019年07月23日 02:55:01 目标网址:https://www.31t.org/ 文件时间(秒):0 设置Cookie:crumb=BVCkBMa0dWmcYTkzOGZkNmE2NjkxMDM4MGVlYTg2ODVhNDQ5ZTYz;Path=/ Transfer-Encoding: chunked x-contextid: veGFVLpw/PWRuicDR 服务器:Squarespace HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2019年07月23日 02:55:01 类型:text/html;charset=utf-8 修改日期:2019年07月23日 02:55:02 content-encoding: gzip 网页标记:W/"da6f3cac147fb98a92bb768acd70f355" 文件大小:17671 动作:Accept-Encoding 文件时间(秒):0 设置Cookie:crumb=BdAnVcimNuqSNTVkNGJkODAxOTAwZDllMzhmYzk3MTU1YWMzZmRj;Path=/ 接受单位:字节 x-contextid: wv4C8hD8/TUqw49F2 服务器:Squarespace 网站编码:utf-8
31T Events Vibe Get Started 31TEventsVibeGet Started Scroll CRACKINGGASTRONOMY Check this out: 31T x I+D Food Innovation Pavilions -THAIFEX 2018, Bangkok 31T (BIT)31T immerses a crowd in an interactive eating experience and a collective impact of creative eating. Pure gastronomy, design, and technology. No fluff! Marrying ‘the internet of things’ to ‘eating’ promises powerful data that reworks food. 3 bits in 1 bite and Tell! How to 31T Firstly, a long table with various elements of first-rated tidbits. Secondly, the guests are to create limitless starter, main dish, and dessert by making a bite made of 3 bits. Thirdly, now comes the beauty when everyone shares the findings -- rate and describe it with web app on one's own smartphone. The submitted combinations will be presented real time on a projection or screen for everyone to see. Data review follows. 3 BITS1 BITETELL Who is 31T for?31T promises a power mingle which play and intensity join forces to provide a creative flow. Take part cracking gastronomy! Throw an event, create your unique selections, and let your crowd generate new findings. 31T is highly scalable and customisable to various themes and focuses. The result is a unique compilation that contributes to a better gastronomic knowledge. POWER MINGLECreative process meets dining, 31T keeps the crowd stimulated and challenged. 31T makes a great opportunity to discover personal preferences and at the same time mutual discoveries. Its dynamic set up instantly breaks the ice and motivates lively conversations, making 31T a perfect stylish catering for reception, conference, or corporate party that wants to maximize networking . TASTE RESEARCH31T is the ultimate setup for taste research. A data generated are instantly visualized and systematically categorized. 31T is a great learning tool for sommelier and meal creators to explore how taste combination works. It is a powerful R&D tool to comprehend the new food or drink product's potential. Yes, 31T makes an impressive concept for a successful new product launch. FOOD SMART w/ 31T JR31T JR is a focused free-play exploring the food universe using a collective impact of creative tasting and the Internet of Things. We’d love to use 31T for children to see food in a new way. 31T Jr is a scalable platform for school children to develop a good relationship with healthy food choices. 31T Jr brings a blend of food education, design, and technology as a workshop for teachers to use as a tool in their classroom. Marrying ‘the internet of things’ to ‘eating’ promises powerful data that reworks food. The Internet of ThingsXGastronomyDigitality and gastronomy rarely meet to be constructive toward each other. Information around tasting are usually a top-down function ie. chefs decide. 31T makes food fascinating, makes tasting evident, and makes bottom-up information available. By the crowd experimenting, sharing and prompting other guests to replicate new found combinations. The bottom up
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