域名年龄: 21年4个月23天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx 访问时间:2016年10月30日 22:17:03 类型:text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked 连接:关闭 动作:Accept-Encoding 过期时间:2016年10月30日 22:17:02 缓存控制:不缓存 Content-Encoding: gzip
In today's marketplace, increasing demands are made on companies by a variety of interested parties. Forward looking companies are increasingly adopting management systems to meet these parties needs and expectations. Management systems are also being introduced as a means to improve a company's performance and to reduce risk. Whether it is a client looking for consistency of supply, ethical purchasing or investment policies, or in the public 's increasing concern about the environment and or safety providing these pressures. Independent validation resulting in certification of these systems, can provide objective evidence of a company's commitment and performance. Anglo Japanese American is a uniquely independent 3rd party certification body operating from a global network of offices providing registration and training services across a diverse range of industrial and commercial sectors. Our clients are equally diverse and include single and multi site operations employing from one to 20,000 employees, with the largest having in excess of 600 sites with more than 19000 employees and the smallest with just one employee. So whether you are a small local company or a major multi national operating globally, AJA EQS can tailor its services specifically to your needs. Worldwide clients from U.S., Japan, U.K., China, France and also Southeast Asia region that we served : Shell Thomson Toyota Matsushita Coca-Cola Toshiba Amway Hitachi Sanyo China Construction As a world leading third party certification body, AJA international certification services Limited has worldwide resources and expertise is able to assess a various range of enterprise against ISO9000, ISO14001 series standard and QS-9000 We are a few truly independent certification and registration bodies, AJA do not have any trading or other financial interests which could impact on our independence or integrity. The result is, "No corporate overheads to include in our fees" Our staff, fully qualified and registered with professional registration bodies, undergo rigorous internal training, no matter what their basic qualification level on joining us, to ensure that this concept is understood and practiced for the benefit of our clients. AJA provides the initial , main and six or twelve monthly surveillance audit that ensuring the system. himji design AJA Hong Kong / PRC office : Room 1712, 17/F., Nan Fung Centre, 264 - 298 Castle Peak Road,Hong Kong Tel: 852-2406 0433 Fax: 852-2414 0195 e-mail: office@aja-china.com
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2025-01-31 04:48, Process in 0.0061 second.