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donate Your tax-deductible contribution in any amount to Alarm Will Sound supports the creation, performance, and recording of new music. homeblogeventsaboutaudio & videorepertoirepresssupport …one of the most vital and original ensembles on the American Music scene. —New York Times October 18, 2012 at 8:00pmAmerican Arts Experience Festival, St. Louis, MO Aphex Twin, Cock/Ver 10 arr. Stefan Freund Conlon Nancarrow, Player Piano Study no. 2A arr. Gavin Chuck Charles Wuorinen, Big Spinoff John Adams, Son of Chamber Symphony Edgard Varèse, Poème électronique arr. Evan Hause Yotam Haber, We Were All Stefan Freund, Unremixed tickets & info …mind-blowing…—Remix Magazine Be alarmist Read articles by our members, get behind-the-scenes reports about our projects, and share your thoughts at Alarmists, our blog. alarmists News & Events St. Louis Season We are thrilled to announce our first St. Louis Season beginning this fall! Our performances at the Sheldon Concert Hall and the Touhill Performing Arts Center are the beginning a long-term strategy to become integrated into the region’s rich artistic life, and to grow an awareness about the vitality of contemporary performing arts in the Midwest. “Audiences—wherever they are—are hungry for work that is part of today’s world,” says Gavin Chuck, our Managing Director. “For a long time, the centers of new artistic work have been New York and LA, but creative energy flows through the heartland too. By becoming part of St. Louis, we hope to focus national attention on local music-making.” The start of our work in St. Louis is really the continuation of what we've been doing in mid-Missouri for the past three years. Since 2010, we have been the resident ensemble at the Mizzou New Music Summer Festival, sharing music of the newest generation of composers with audiences in Columbia. All over Missouri, exciting things are happening because philanthropist Jeanne Sinquefield and the Sinquefield Charitable Foundation have a vision for making the state a center of new music composition. Jeanne and the Foundation are partnering with us to increase the presence and impact in Missouri of composers creating diverse, cutting-edge work. Along those lines, we will present collaborations with local composers, artists and performers starting in our second St. Louis Season. We’ve already got lots of ideas, and lots more ideas will emerge as we get to know St. Louis, its culture, and its people. Who We Are Alarm Will Sound is a twenty-member group dedicated to the creation, performance, and recording of today's most innovative music. learn more Featured RecordingSteve Snowden’s For So Long It's Not True Listen through to the end if you're feeling dazed and confused about why this brand new piece sounds familiar. Premiered at the Mizzou New Music Summer Festival in 2011. You need a newer version of your browser to play this recording.Visit our Soundcloud for more recordin
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