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EvangelismStudyCornerPropheticWordPrayerRequestPastor's WifeJoinThe MP3 of the Month ClubSeekThe LordWriteto CongressReferenceSearchStatementof FaithFreeDownloadsRise & WalkresourcesVariousLinksVisit Our New FriendsAGMSchool of Ministry Class DownloadGod has a Plan!I will do a new thing in your midst. I will raise you up to proclaim my Word!We appreciate your patience as we have moved into our new office. Still much unpacking to do but all is well and Jesus is on the throne. I know you all have been patiently waiting for us to come out once again into His glorious light and bring the word of truth. Soon the Lord says. "God bless you all.Play AM Sermon"3012 5-2-10 am Thomas and Christ Jn 20""3009 4-18-10 pm Ps 12 Faith In the Light of His Coming""2987 1-24-10 pm THE WIDOW’S EXTREMITY 13"Play Amazing GraceYou will need the free Real Player installed on your computer to hear this sermonClick to go to the download site Free Real PlayerPastor John & Dianne DoonanREADTODAY'S DEVOTIONALSigning Classescurriculum from ASL UniversityAmazing GraceSpirit FilledWord of Faith4051 Valley DrPueblo, CO 81008Phone 719-569-7398Fax 708-234-7099Sign Up For:Amazing Grace Daily DevotionalREADTODAY'S DEVOTIONALto be removed from our devotional mailingclick hereStudy The BibleReference SearchAmazing Grace(the song)BibleStudiesPartnerwithAmazing GraceSchoolof MinistryICFM{Home}{Church}{Affiliate}{Newsletter}{Articles}{Library}{Minister'sAssoc.}{Calendar}{ Guests}Take a look at our MP3 CDs and Audio Cassette TapeTeaching Media!GettingUp When You Are Downovercoming Depression, Worry,Adversity, & SorrowOnly $20.00 for this MP3 series.Learn how to receive ablessing from God Join The MP3 of the Month Club "Seek the Lord #2436" Just give us your email address and we'll send you a specially selected MP3 Sermon each month for annual subscription $50.00 per year. Complete order Form Please sign our guest book Email us List for free at Click on me for Your Free Spiritual Gift Test Play Amazing Grace Audio Amazing Grace (original text)Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound) That sav'd a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears reliev'd; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believ'd! Thro' many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. The Lord has promis'd good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease; I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine; But God, who call'd me here below, Will be forever mine. The Story of John Newton return {Home} {Church} {Affiliate} {Newsle
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