域名年龄: 24年7个月15天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx admin 访问时间:2015年02月08日 04:13:25 类型:text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked 连接:keep-alive 动作:Accept-Encoding 修改日期:2014年12月27日 06:11:22 网页标记:"61229ae-3ad0a-50b25ce189a9f" 缓存代理:HIT from Backend Content-Encoding: gzip 页面编码:utf-8
A Poem about your lifeClick HereGospelSongs.comPhoto tours of Egypt, Jordan and IsraelClick HereGARDEN–TOMB.COMAn audio-video presentationCHRISTMASDISPLAY.ORG#1 HGTV’S ALL OUT CHRISTMASNBC’S TODAY SHOW–TOP 3 USAFEATURED HSN-AMONG BEST IN USAPEOPLE MAGAZINE, 700 CLUB, ESPNCome and visit one of the largestresidential Christmas Displays anywhere.18 train, HO scale railroad.Spectacular yard tour.Nov 28‚ 2014 to Jan 3‚ 2015CLICK HEREA Poemabout your life.Click hereWant to help?Tracts are availableto give to others.Bible AlmanacClick hereBIBLESTUDIES.ORGUNIQUE, NO COMPROMISE, MEGA BIBLE STUDY & INFORMATION SITE.No candy-coated teaching. E-MAILS welcome AUDIO HomepageDo not say the Holy Bible in not true and the time of the end is not near. Open your eyes and look.The proof is all around you. The incredible fulfillment of Israel’s rebirth after 2000 years is a reality.That was day one of the biblical “latter years.” 365 prophecies were to follow—364 are now in place.* Ask yourself: Are there now weapons that can destroy the world? Are alternate lifestyles increasing?* Is there a nation to the far north of Israel that has these weapons? * Can you actually see events in Israel happen as they take place?* These were all biblical predictions that would happen after Israel’s rebirth.Nearly every person’s life has changed because of technology, and more changes are coming; but it is not all good news.* As you read this page, your beliefs about the Bible and eternity may be challenged. Your may print this page.Proof is here that the Bible is God’s Word, but will you believe it? World’s Biggest Skeptic-Click here.What lies ahead in the world and what to do. Christians are to watch for & know the times we are in-1 Thes 5:4, but some will mock.Bible has foretold future events app. 10,385 times. The generation of Israel’s rebirth ) will see the Rapture, WW3 & Armageddon.God’s Word reveals His love & concern FOR “YOU”-Jn 3:16. He does not want “you” to perish-2 Pe 3:9.There are atheists, agnostics, thousands of cults, app. 600 denominations—but one Jesus Christ. Whom or what do you follow?Today IF ye will hear HIS voice, harden not your hearts. This generation,…is a people that do err in their heart, and they have NOT KNOWN MY WAYS: Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest-Heb 4:7; Ps 95:9-11; Rev 3:14.Non-profit. Nothing for sale. EMAILS welcome. Jesus Christ is come in the flesh-ref 1Jn4:2,3; 2Jn1:7. 17,000+subject homepage******************************************************************************************************************3 menus: 1-Menu. Main Topics here 2-Larger Menu on Pg 2-left side 3-Click here for 17,000 Master MenuEVERYTHI
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