域名年龄: 23年4个月29天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 文件大小:1401 类型:text/html Content-Encoding: gzip 文件地址: 修改日期:2013年09月05日 08:12:37 接受单位:字节 网页标记:"804869a0cca9ce1:1ab557" 动作:Accept-Encoding 服务器:Microsoft-IIS/6.0 语言环境:ASP.NET 访问时间:2014年04月11日 11:14:13 页面编码:windows-1252
WELCOME TO ARKANSAS GOSHINKAN The members of Arkansas Goshinkan are a diverse group interested in learning jujutsu & judo in a friendly and relaxed environment. Each student is encouraged to participate and progress at an individual level. The Kodokan Judo maxim of Jita Kyoei or "mutual welfare & benefit" is at the heart of our training. Each Arkansas Goshinkan member treats the other with the utmost respect. We train for recreation, sport, self defense, exercise, stress relief and a number of individual reasons, but we mainly have fun. We consider ourselves recreational judoka. While we don't place a heavy emphasis on competition we do encourage our students to occasionally compete in tournaments as a means to test the effectiveness of the skills they have learned. The jujutsu we practice is combat oriented - self defense. As such it does not lend itself to competition.
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2025-01-05 03:22, Process in 0.0042 second.