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Best Friend Poems Best Friend Poems December 1st, 2009 The world seems pleasant as we are able to communicate and express ourselves. We require constant assurance that our decisions are right and we are on the right track. This is confirmed by our friends who love us unconditionally. Marriage too is also about friendship. Amidst the challenges of aspirations, living, responsibility and success, a best friend is a solace in this world. All of us have felt the need to dial up long distance and just hear the voice of our best friend and feel a gentle peace overwhelm us. This is the beauty of friendship and we feel much at peace while communicating with our best friend. Owing to distance or personal priorities, the test of time often poses a problem in maintaining the friendship. Special days like birthdays or anniversaries are the best way to call or meet your best friend. Space is essential in every relationship. Holding grudges is not a part of friendship. The communication must be a two-way effort where you are able to spell out your difference of opinion. It has to be appreciated that our best friend may have different ideologies but the feeling of love is mutual. Whenever in doubt always speak to your best friend and seek an explanation. A best friend understands your sentiments and will support you throughout your life. He or she is the first one to notice that you are a bit low and will aid you in solving your problem. Make time for your best friend and understand that the beauty of friendship develops by expressing. Make a pleasant picnic time annually or gather around as a family to enjoy together. As we age and achieve success we realize that friendship is our true wealth. One may forget a birthday but calling your best friend casually and asking for his well being is a great way to convey your love. If you have a certain misunderstanding with your best friend then spend no time contemplating and make the first move. Apologizing will only improve the friendship and a smile puts sets everything straight. Posted in Best Friend Poems | 1 Comment » Friendship December 1st, 2009 My careful heart was free again- O friend, my bosom said, Through thee alone the sky is arched, Through thee the rose is red, All things through thee takes nobler And look beyond the earth, The mill-round of our fate appears A sun-path in thy worth. Me too thy nobleness has To master my despair; The fountains of my hidden life Are through thy friendship fair. Posted in Cute Best Friend Poems | No Comments » We Are Friends December 1st, 2009 Whether the day is good or bad, Whether I’m feeling happy or sad, If I have a need, you’ll comprehend; You’ll be there to share and be a friend. Other people may fill my day, But never in such an important way; We support each other ‘round all life’s bends, It feels so good that we are friends. By Karl Fuchs Posted in Short Best Friend Poems | No Comments » Friendship Joy December 1st, 2009 You are a shelte
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