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Budgie Business HomeAbout Budgie BizContact Budgie Business Be in the know. Knowledge is power. Menu Not Found Skip to content HomeAbout Budgie BizContact Business Entertainment Interviews Kanye West and Elon Musk Are Friends April 16, 2015 Published by: budbiz In what must be one of the strangest business relationships we’ve ever seen, it has emerged that SpaceX founder Elon Musk is good friends with Kanye West. The news was revealed today, after an open letter by Must was published in TIME Magazine, as part of their feature on Kanye West. West was named was part of Forbes 100 Most Influential People List. In the supporting piece, Elon called Kanye a ‘boundary breaker’ and said that “Kanye West would be the first person to tell you he belongs on this list. “The dude doesn’t believe in false modesty, and he shouldn’t. Kanye’s belief in himself and his incredible tenacity—he performed his first single with his jaw wired shut—got him to where he is today.” He continued, “Kanye’s been playing the long game all along, and we’re only just beginning to see why.” Books Entertainment Lord Sugar is Releasing a New Book April 16, 2015 Published by: budbiz Host of BBC 1’s The Apprentice is releasing a third book. And this time, he has invited his Twitter followers to name it. The book will be released later this year and will look back at the last 10 years of Lord Alan Sugar’s TV appearances. To celebrate, he has invited his Twitter followers to suggest names for the book. The best name will actually be used on the cover. Sugar – then known as Sir Alan – first appeared on TV screens in 2005 for the first series of The Apprentice, and has since gone on to become a house-hold name. Only this year his right-hand-man Nick Hewer announced that he will no longer be a part of the show, with last year’s final marking his departure from The Boardroom. I’m looking for a name for my new book, out in Autumn. It’s all about my 10 years in telly. To enter, see picture… pic.twitter.com/2aVEW5UaMQ — Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar) April 15, 2015 Recent Posts Kanye West and Elon Musk Are Friends Lord Sugar is Releasing a New Book Categories Books Business Entertainment Interviews HomeAbout Budgie BizContact
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