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Skip to contentSkip to global navigationSkip to local navigationHomeSite MapAboutNewsletterContactTutorialsMichael’s CornerForumsLinksDownloadLearn AutoCAD with our Free TutorialsCADTutor delivers the best free tutorials and articles for AutoCAD, 3ds Max and associated applications along with a friendly forum. If you need to learn AutoCAD, or you want to be more productive, you're in the right place. See our tip of the day to start learning right now!Free Tutorials and MoreThe Tutorials section provides over 100 original tutorials for AutoCAD, 3ds Max and other design applications such as Photoshop and Bryce. Michael’s Corner is a monthly article that brings you the best up-to-date AutoCAD tips and tricks. The Forums are a lively bulletin board where AutoCAD users can ask questions and get answers. The Download area provides free AutoCAD blocks, free AutoLISP routines and free digital images.Image of the Week20th to 26th July 2015This week's image is by David BethelSoftware used: AutoCAD R12 & AccurenderSee all Images of the Week published in the last month.Site NewsMichael’s Corner - June/July 2015Once Upon a TimeHello friends and welcome to the June/July edition of Michael's Corner. "Everything changes and nothing stands still", to quote Heraclitus of Ephesus. And that is as true of the software we use as it is of everything else, although I suspect the speed of change may have increased since Heraclitus' day (he was born in 535 BC). Many of the changes to our software over the past few years have been for the better but there are one or two things that I just don't like.25 years ago, my world was turned upside down by the renaming of a chocolate bar (yes, of course I'm exaggerating). Those of you of a certain age in the UK will know what I'm referring to. My childhood "Marathon" bar became "Snickers" and I've never seen it the same way since.More recently a smaller but no less important (to me) change happened when Autodesk decided to replace the quirky dynamite image on the Explode button in AutoCAD with the rather more anodyne (read boring) image that we know today. Now I don't mind change but what we lost in that transaction is the quirkiness and personality that our software tools should have in order to brighten our day. Why use an icon that makes it look like we want our blocks to fall apart when we could be exploding them?If you feel the same way as I do, Michael has a great article this month that shows you how to get your dynamite back. Of course, there are some really useful articles on other stuff too but this is the really important one, right? I'm not alone in thinking this am I?Video TutorialsWe've added a new Video Tutorials section to CADTutor! Some of our users have asked for video tutorials in addition to the text-based tutorials already on the site. Check them out and let us know what you think. Also, for those of you who prefer to watch your online video at YouTube, why n
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