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Catechist Corner It’s all about sharing the faith. Blog Catechesis Challenges Classroom Ideas Lessons Ministry Personal Growth Uncategorized HomeAboutTools The Christmas Story Posted By Carlos on December 22, 2010 With Christmas approaching, I thought I’d share this cute video that’s been flooding the social networks today. It was put together by some children in New Zealand (with some adult help, I’m sure). Enjoy!! I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!! Until next time, keep sharing the faith! Category: Uncategorized | View Comments Tags: New Media, Tools | More WOW! Posted By Carlos on December 7, 2010 I saw Jesus the other night. I try to see Him in most places, but on Sunday night I saw Him very clearly in Jason Evert. If you are not familiar with Jason, he is a husband and a father. He has degrees in theology and counseling. But what is not on his resume is his ability to capture the attention of about 1,000 teenagers for over an hour without ever losing them. On Sunday night, St. Patrick’s Parish in Stoneham, Mass. hosted Jason for a talk. They invited neighboring parishes and my CRE extended me a coveted seat. Jason’s topic was “Romance without Regret”. Yes, Jason is a chastity speaker. And my thoughts can be summed up in one word … WOW! When Jason speaks, he weaves the message of chastity with a little comedy, some facts, some real-life examples and some powerful, personal stories as well. He touches on every aspect of love and human sexuality, in a clear yet loving way. He presumes nothing, is not judgmental and recognizes that this is not a perfect world; so he addresses even the most difficult things that can and have happened to people, but in a gentle yet clear way. He defines the difference between “love” and “lust” in a way a teen cannot only understand, but can directly relate to as well. If you think that I’m being a little vague in my comments, that is intentional. First, I cannot do his talk justice. The power with which he delivered this message and the resulting energy in that church was amazing. These are teens that often challenge what they hear from the church (which can be a good thing), but they got what Jason said. They simply got it! We’ve already gotten feedback from parents on how their teens have reacted (positively) to what they heard! Second, I don’t want to take away from what you can experience from hearing Jason’s talk. Now I’m sure you’re thinking, “Carlos, how am I going to listen to Jason?”. My response would be, “Virtually, of course!” I highly encourage you to check out his website ( and his YouTube Channel ( Under the Chastity playlist, you can view one of his “Romance without Regret”
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