域名年龄: 13年1个月12天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2014年07月14日 13:33:07 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 类型:text/html 页面编码:iso-8859-1
About Ron on CellCongress2011.comBathroom Vanity CabinetsTips On Picking Out Bathroom Vanity Cabinets For Your Bathroomthetechnophobe.comSenator Ron Klein is an experienced leader with an unprecedented record of service. Since 1992, Ron has fought tirelessly in the Florida State Legislature for common sense solutions to the problems facing Florida families every day. He is a committed public servant working to lower health care costs, improve the quality of education, keep our neighborhoods and communities safe from drugs and crime, strengthen Florida’s economy, protect our environment and ensure a better quality of life for the people of South Florida.Ron was born in Cleveland, Ohio on July 10, 1957. After graduating from Cleveland Heights High School in 1975, Ron attended The Ohio State University. While in school, he gained his first insights into public service as an intern at the Ohio General Assembly. In 1979, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science, was admitted to Case Western Reserve University Law School and received his Juris Doctor in 1982. Ron married the former Dori Dragin in 1982, and together they moved to Boca Raton, Florida in 1985. Motivated to make a difference in the community and help improve the quality of life in South Florida, Ron made a commitment to public service by seeking elected office. In 1992, Ron defeated a 10 year incumbent and was elected to the Florida House of Representatives, representing District 90. He was subsequently re-elected without opposition in 1994. During his tenure in the House, Ron built an impressive reputation for his work on a variety of issues which included technology, criminal justice, healthcare and education. He successfully sponsored the Holocaust Education Act, legislation mandating instruction of the Holocaust in all of Florida's public schools. Ron sought a ban on assault weapons, streamlined the capital punishment appeals process and created the Task Force on Geriatric Medicine (Dentistas y Clinicas Dentales en EEUU). He also played a role in writing and organizing the Enterprise Florida initiatives for international trade and port development.Handily winning his bid for Senate District 30 in 1996, Ron continued his efforts to improve academic excellence, public safety, protection for environmentally sensitive lands and increased economic opportunities for all Floridians. His hard work and dedication earned him the position of Minority Whip and garnered him an appointment by the Senate President to the Special Committee on Litigation Reform and to the Panel for the Study of End-of-Life-Care. One of Ron’s important achievements during the 1998 Legislative Session was the passage of the Jimmy Ryce Act. Named after a nine year old Miami boy who was kidnapped, raped and murdered, the Jimmy Ryce Act strengthens our ability to keep violent sexual predators, who pose a future threat to our children, off the streets. During the1999 Legislative Session, R
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