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Christina PiccoliExperience Life.MenuSkip to contentThings to ExperienceThings Already ExperiencedI Want to Run a MarathonLeave a replyThere. I said it. I want to run a marathon. This is not something I like to admit to myself often. UGH. A marathon? But it’s SO. MUCH. RUNNING. That’s what I tell myself.But it’s that little nagging, pulling feeling that I can’t brush away.I want to know what it’s like to run a marathon!I want to feel what it’s like (I’m sure it’ll SUCK) to run 26.2 miles. I want to put that 26.2 sticker on my car. When I see that 26.2 sticker, I think “Wow. They ran a lot of miles. I want to run a lot of miles and put a sticker on my car.”Then I start thinking about how many miles it actually is. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. To get to the city, it’s about 15 miles. I would need to run to the city and then another 11 miles. That’s like, I don’t know, somewhere past Camden, NJ. Maybe even close to Rowan University where I graduated. (That’s probably a bit more out than 26.2 miles, but you get the point. 26.2 miles is FAR.)Still, I think of myself in my old age, lying on my deathbed. Do I say to myself “Crap. Why did I run that marathon? That really messed up my life!” Or do I say “Why didn’t I run that marathon? It would have been such a small blip in my life. Why didn’t I just do it??”I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t kick myself for running a marathon when I’m on my deathbed.So far, I’ve run one 5k. About 4 years ago.I don’t care. It still needs to happen. It’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of taking the time to train! I’m also going to rely on the Universe for this one. When it’s time to get it done, it’ll be thrown in my lap. I guarantee it. And I will let you know ALL about it when it does happen! For now, I’m going to start up the couch to 5k app. Again. This entry was posted in Things to Experience and tagged 5k, deathbed, marathon, running on April 7, 2014 by ChristinaPiccoli. I Want to Be A Weight Loss Success Story Leave a reply You see them all the time. The before and after weight loss pictures. The chubby sad-faced hunched-over person on the left and the gorgeous, slim, fit, smiling person on the right. I have a lot of chubby left pictures. I actually have one fit, smiling right picture. But I’m back to the chubby left now. I remember the steps I took to get to the smiling right. I really think the biggest factor was that my mind was 100% in it. I visualized my workouts before I did them and how good they felt. I visualized the fat melting off of my body, like wax dripping off a candle. I saw the slimmer version of me. Visualization is key to anything. You have to picture yourself the way you want to be, and hold that thought, unwavering, until you get there. It may seem challenging, but only if you tell yourself that it
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