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About·Your Trade·Consumer·ContactMember LoginSign-in with emailEmail:Password: Send me a password...Sign InMember LoginMember LoginPROFESSIONAL DIRECTORYEXAMS & CERTIFICATIONCLASSES & EVENTSNEWS & RESOURCESJOBS & MARKETPLACEMEMBER BENEFITSBEAUTYSAFESign up for courses NOW before summer!Find a ProfessionalLooking for:Salon/SpaSchoolManufacturerDistributorHome Based Spa / SalonAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllIndividualBusiness SupportKeyword:City:SearchKeyword:City:SearchKeyword:City:SearchKeyword:City:SearchKeyword:City:SearchKeyword:City:Certified Esthetician:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Nail Tech:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Hairdresser:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Barber:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Colour Technician:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Haircut Blowdry Tech:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Makeup Artist:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Waxing Technician:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Manicure & Acrylic Nail Tech:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:Certified Manicure & Gel Nail Tech:AnyCertifiedSearchKeyword:City:SearchKeyword:City:SearchMOVING SALE-Items will go FAST!If you haven't heard already, our BeautyCouncil office will be moving to a new location! Don’t worry, we won’t be moving far. Our new offices will be located at #201-3091 West Broadway, Vancouver BC, only four kilometres west of our current location. We are excited to start fresh in this new space. We will be settled into our new home by July 1st , 2014. Stay tuned for more updates… In an attempt to make our move easier, we are having a moving sale. All items are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis and priority will be given to CURRENT BeautyCouncil members!Check out what's available. Contact us if interested. Items will go fast!Link to PDF Fraser Valley Regional Cosmetology Competitions-May 25th, 2014FORIMMEDIATE RELEASE: APRIL 29, 2014By Starlette Tolver, Board DirectorThey’re at it again! May 25, 2014 Cosmetologists battle with blades, brushes and files.Vancouver, BC (April 29, 2014) – The Fraser Valley Regional Committee of BeautyCouncil Western Canada (the largest volunteer Cosmetology Association in Canada) announced today they will be presenting a Cosmetology Competition on May 25th, 2014. This event will offer the public a firsthand view of the creative side to cosmetology.Students and apprentices will be able to demonstrate their skills and vie for a title in three categories: Trend Cut and Color, Fantasy Make-Up and 2D Nail Art. Salon Professional teams can compete in the Total Look Spring 2014 Bridal category. The cosmetology school in the Fraser Valley Region with the highest accumulated student point average will be the winner of the 2014 Cosmetology Competitions. This school will hold the Highest Overall Team Score cup and title until next year’s battle.Judging will be held at the Mark Anthony Academy of Cosmetology located at 5735-2
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