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Home Coolrdc Cldrcoo Cool RDC Cldr COO The Carleton, Ottawa, Outaouais local Research Data Centre (COOL RDC) is an inter-university facility whose partners include Statistics Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Carleton University, University of Ottawa and Universite du Quebec en Outaouais. Cool RDC Cldr COO The Carleton, Ottawa, Outaouais local Research Data Centre (COOL RDC) is an inter-university facility whose partners include Statistics Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Carleton University, University of Ottawa and Université du Québec en Outaouais. The COOL RDC provides secure access to detailed Statistics Canada data for researchers with Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council -approved research projects. The RDC is part of a national university initiative to use Statistics Canada master files with a view to strengthen social research capacity and support social and economic policy analysis in Canada. The new centre, and the only intra-provincial RDC, is joining a network of RDCs located in thirteen universities, working in collaboration with Statistics Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). The mandate of the COOL RDC is to help support research and training in the social statistics and related fields, to create new knowledge about Canadian society and to facilitate a network of social research across the country. The COOL RDC will host a variety of longitudinal data files from surveys such as the National Population Health Survey, the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, the General Social Survey and the Labour and Income Dynamics Survey. The RDC will complement Statistics Canada’s Data Liberation Initiative program which provides access to public data through university libraries. The COOL RDC is housed in a quiet, comfortable and highly secure environment in the Morisset Library building at the University of Ottawa Patners Members A multilevel analysis A nonparametric analysis of the 20th Aboriginal Inequality in Lifecourse Perspective About COOL RDC An Analysis of Systematic Reporting An Analysis of the Impact An Investigation of the Relationship Analysis of Asthma Prevalence Approved COOL RDC Projects Bicycle Helmet Legislation in Canada Childhood Health Status Community vulnerability Comorbidity of parental depression Convergence across generations Cool RDC Cldr COO Cultural, School, and Individual Factors Earnings Differentials of Males and Females Employment Across Generations Examining the Link between Food insecurity in urban and rural settings Gender differences in university participation Geographies of Discrimination Good Time Don’t Just Make You Sick Immigrant children in Canadian schools Immigrant Job Search Behaviour Immigrant-Native Differences in Earnings Indices Inequality in Complementary Mapping the E
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