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USERNAME PASSWORD Register Here for HARTKLOP and/or 24 Hour Prayer ABOUT USPROJECTSNEWSCONTACT US   ABOUT US was officially launched in February 2009. But the road really began many years ago, in 2006, when, on a short trip to Madagascar, we got the vision to support local NGO's by supplying them with computer centres. The first container with second hand computers was on its way in June 2007, although it was only cleared by customs in October of that year. With the help of local businesses and many volunteers, two centres were installed, one in Nosy Be and another in Antsohihy. In 2008 we partnered with Stimilus Maksima who provided a programme called Reading Rocket. This programme was designed to the highest standards and has been proven in more than 800 schools all over South Africa for several years.Two years later the centers are having a huge impact on the local communities that are swamped with needy children who would like to learn, and in many cases have never even seen a computer. is all about touching lives and changing futures.We believe God has given us talents and tools to be used in and for the world. We want to be bridge builders - between rich and poor, lost and saved, orphans and parents.   HOME |  ABOUT US |  PROJECTS |  GET INVOLVED |  CONTACT US   Copyright © 2009 Crossroads
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2025-01-30 01:15, Process in 0.0052 second.