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Teaching Abroad The Best Way to Travel Online Learning – Get the Skills You Need to Teach Abroad posted in: eLearning - Comments Off We talked about teaching ESL abroad and we talked about working abroad at an international school. These are both excellent opportunities, and it is somewhat to do it without any experience, but if you go abroad looking for these types of jobs, and you tell your recruiter that you have no background at all in these fields, you will have a lot of trouble getting a job. So you ask, how can you get the skills and qualifications you need to get the good jobs teaching abroad? The answer is with online learning. Online learning has many different variations. If you want help with a math course, there are plenty of sites that cover such a large variety of topics that whatever you’re looking for, you’re sure to find it. If you want to learn a software application or a specific programming language, you’ll also be sure to find a course online that can teach it to you. So what does this have to do with teaching abroad? The answer is, you can get your degree in education online. You can probably take all of the courses that are required for you to get your teaching certification online. Each state has its own requirements, but the odds are that most of the requirements can be fulfilled through the internet. For ESL it’s even easier. To be a highly qualified ESL teacher, it’s best if you first complete a course in teaching English as a second language. TESOL is a very common qualification to teach ESL. And you’ll be amazed at just how easy it is to get a TESOL certificate through an online course. You can even do it while you’re traveling. As long as you have your computer with you, you’re ready to learn online. Learn more here: www.onlinelearningreviews.net International Teaching Jobs posted in: International School Jobs - Comments Off As we mentioned last time there are plenty of opportunities to work abroad, and some of the best and most consistent of these opportunities is teaching. And teaching English is a very good start. Pick just about any country in the world and do a little research, and within a couple of months you should truly be able to land a job teaching English. The demand is that great. Another opportunity exists for people who are or who are ready to become full fledged licensed teachers. It’s really not that hard to get a teaching license. Of course it varies from state to state and from country to country, but there are usually a number of different possibilities for people who are serious about becoming certified teachers. Once you have your certification in hand, you can then search for international teaching jobs. The process is a bit different than it is for getting jobs teaching ESL abroad. International schools have higher expectations that English schools usually do. International schools prefer it if the teacher can stick
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