HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx 访问时间:2016年10月02日 11:29:20 类型:text/html Transfer-Encoding: chunked 连接:关闭 动作:Accept-Encoding 过期时间:2016年10月02日 11:29:19 缓存控制:不缓存 Content-Encoding: gzip
欢迎光临成都猎人会所,本会所不定期做活动!具体请咨询客服和贵宾热线。 本会所是天府之国四川成都的同志会所,技师是来自全国各地的优秀人才,均受过专业培训。以娴熟的服务技巧、高尚的职业道德、精深的文化底蕴锻造一流服务队伍。所有技师需经过严格训练方可上岗,提供24小时最优质的上门服务。为客人安全着想,不允许客人与技师私自联系,如违反此例,本会所概不负责!本会所严禁色情服务。 Our spa is an international massage in Chengdu. All the clerks are from China's male models, atheletes and college students. They are all well trained.The Spa offers 7 days 24 hours service. Out-door services are available! Contact with clerks themselves are not permitted. The company develops with the slogan of "worthy service, high enjoyment and low price". 成都猎人会馆 版权所有 HTTP://www.dymassage.com 地址:四川成都西安北路 Address: North Xian Road, Chengdu, Sicuan 电话:18080045202 联系QQ:402496011 管理登陆
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2024-12-28 04:38, Process in 0.0067 second.