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关注新浪微博 英语 日语 中文 Teachers Our Courses HSK-中检 Supplementary Activities Life In China Our Students EET International Training Centre has started for five years since 2003 and is in charge of three schools which are in Pu Dong、Hong Qiao and Zhang Jiang respectively. It is one of the few schools with A level approved by the ministry of education. Chinese Department, the branch of EET, is good at teaching spoken language and tutoring varies of examinations such as HSK and so on, which is mainly on a basis of the the Theory of “The Communicative Approach” and on the Optimization Teaching Model of “One to One”. Currently, there are more than 20 Chinese teachers who do the full-time job or the part-time job in the department. They all mainly major in Chinese for foreign communication or Education and their average teaching hours have been over 1000 hours up to now. They have taught a great many students who work in the famous companies such as LG、Sang Sung、Mitsubishi、ANA、Panasonic、Kyosera and so on and are thought high of by them. EET, making Chinese-learning easier! ◆ HSK SCHEDULE◆ Salon lesson of Septembe◆ New discount during Sept 每日一句口が酸っぱくなる mó pò zuí pí,kū kǒu pó xīn 磨破嘴皮,苦口婆心 CHINESE CHARACTER EET国际教育 EET游学 EET少儿美语 EET全国分校: 上海 (浦东) 张江 虹桥 张杨 宝山 郑州 长沙 兰州 包头 鄂尔多斯 徐州 佛山 盐城 北京 关系企业: 在线真人教学(易拓课学堂) 中国语 ©2007 EET Corporation. 版权所有. 保留所有权利 | DESIGNED BY www.LongShe.net 英语培训--商务英语培训--中国语--上海EET英语培训公司 Copyright © 2002-2012版权所有浦东地址:上海浦东南路855号世界广场2楼D座(地铁2号线3号出口) 虹桥校地址:天山路600弄2号捷运大厦16楼工作台工作台 MSN:pudong-eet@hotmail.com
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