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french red wine Just another WordPress site Skip to content HomeAbout ← Older posts red wine heaGood Chocolate News Just in Time for Valentine Posted on February 9, 2011 by wine A brand new report suggests that dark chocolate be classified as a super food. The chocolate must contain cocoa powder and dark chocolate only. Each of these ingredients are high in antioxidants and low in sugar. red wine heaGood Chocolate News Just in Time for Valentine,The study was conducted by Hersheys. It compared dark chocolate and non-alkalized cocoa powder to other powders known to be high in antioxidants, includinred wine health benefitsg acai, blueberries and cranberries. The study concluded that the antioxidant content of dark chocolate was higher than all of the fruit powders. In addition the flavonol content was much higher in dark chocolate. This is another in a growing number of studies that show how healthy eating a few ounces of dark chocolate can be. An 8 year German study recently concluded that eating just an ounce of dark chocolate each day lowered the risk of heart attack by 40%! Make sure to keep your chocolate dark. The same studies said that the same health benefits are not present in processed milk chocolate So this Valentines Day whether you have a sweetheart or not be sure to enjoy some antioxidant-rich dark chocolate. By the way, dont forget to wash it down with some heart healthy red wine. Ill drink to that! For information on free Health Coaching visit Darren has hosted the well known Exile weekly magazine for over five years. He is an author, freelance writer, and Philadelphia… Read more a good glass of wine and a piece of dark chocolate can really complement each other…pinot noir/hersheys dark kisses…perfect together! This study was not first done by Hershey. For over 6 years MXI chocolate company has been producing varieties of healthy, all natural chocolate. Studies such as these have shown that non-alkalized, uncooked cocoa is the highest antioxidant super food on the planet. And no offense, but a dark hersheys kiss pales in comparison to a Xocai X Power or Omega Square. Congratulations red wine heaWhy cant I enjoy a glass (or, Hershey! Youve finally figured out what our Mayan ancestors knew over 1000 years ago. Unalkalized, unadulterated, sweetened with fruit (if that), Welcome to Native American medicine! is looking for writers, photographers, and videographers to join the stest growing group of local insiders. If you are interested in growing your online rep apply to be an Examiner today! is the inside source for everything local. We are powered by Examiners, the largest pool of knowledgeable and passionate contributors in the world. Examiners provide unique and original content to enhance life in your local city wherever that may be. Examiners come from all walks of life and contribute original content to entertain, info
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