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HomeProductNewsServiceContactAbout简体繁体Rice-made food proce..Flour-made food proc..BeanCmade product p..Miscellaneous grains..Meat product process..Candy and Casual foo..Ice drinks processin..Other processing equ.. Palstic reproduction.. Palstic inflation fi.. Palstic bag making m.. QQTalk Search product: SUI HUA OF CHINA,AS WELL AS SUI HUA OF THE WORLD 1.Confluence of machine production and its sale,classic quality,international connection. 2.Provides product formula and technical training,each customer from domestic or overseas can enjoy the higher service. 3.The machine can be transported to anyplace directly and quickly with intact condition. Foodstuff Machines Fried rice.. Intestine.. LiangPi mach.. Rice noodle.. Beancurd and.. Dried beancu.. Noodle mach.. Egg rolls ma.. Meat ball m.. Oil mill It is s aid that from the past to the present,Eating is the most important In people's lives.Today's Chinese say:Eating in Guangzhou.Our company located in the bustling metropolis of Guangzhou, to provide you with professional Food Machine。 Our company provide Fried rice noodle machine、Rice noodle machine、LiangPi machine、Intestine-shaped noodle machine、Noodle machine、Fried dough twist machine、Dumplings machine、Beancurd and beancurd milk machine、Meat ball machine、Oil mill And other large and mid-sized machinery,provide snack machines,marshmallow machine,hot dogs plane Popcorn machines and other small-scale machinery. Give you a small property,and to make easy money。 More food machinery Plastic Machines Intelligent.. Electric con.. Intelligent.. Electric con.. Rotation die.. High & low-P.. High speed l.. Multi purpos.. Light contro.. Computer hea.. Plastics Machinery including plastic granulator,Plastic Blow Molding Machine,plastic bagging machines,plastic injection molding machine, plastic blowing machines。Different plastics machinery to produce different sectors,do not use the product,In particular,plastic bags,the use of modern society become the biggest single consumer!These products can also recycle plastic,you need is a renewable plastic granulator。you can choose the appropriate local entrepreneurship Plastics Machinery,Guangdong SUIHUA company for you with the wealth of professional guidance。 More Plastic machinery Sui Hua machines means high taste;Sui Hua machines indicates classic quality;Sui Hua machines stands for famous brand! Copyright ©1998-2008 Inc. All rights reserved. Address:ZhongShan road 491 number, TianHe district,GuangZhou・China Tel:+86 020-85638392 85638395 85638961 Fax:85625021 Mobile:13688872890 PostCode:510630 Contact person:Lin Mei Lan GuangDong SuiHua companyGlobal after-sales service unifies telephone:(86-20) 85625027 SEO丨粤ICP备06033415号-9丨
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