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FREE ReportHow to get fit BlogArticles Disclaimer Eat Healthily Privacy Policy “Do you want to know how to get fit fast? If so, you are already on the way to improving your health, lengthening your life and feeling GREAT. Most people don't realise how easy it is to get fit fast. You just need to find out what really works, what doesn't, and how to get motivated. Then getting fit becomes easy AND fun!” Cornwall, UK Dear Fitness Seeker, Do you want to know how to get fit? If you do, you can look forward to these life-changing benefits: Reduction in the risk of premature death from any cause. Yes ANY cause. Several large-scale trials (tens of thousands of people) have shown conclusively that taking up regular exercise is the single most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of premature death from ANY cause. More effective than just losing weight. More effective than giving up smoking. More effective than ANYTHING! If you don’t read any further, please just take in this fact and think about it for a few seconds to understand its significance. This could change your life! Reduction in the risk of suffering from coronary heart disease. Regular exercise has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease (the biggest cause of premature death in the western world!). If you already have coronary heart disease, taking up regular exercise reduces the risk of it killing you prematurely. Reduction in the risk of developing one of many different cancers. There is a lot of evidence that you can reduce your risk of developing any one of many different forms of cancer simply by getting fitter. Boosting your immune response to the level of someone half your age. People in their 60s have been shown to boost their immune response to the levels of mere 30 year olds just by improving their fitness. Losing weight naturally without having to ‘go on a diet’. As we all know, diets are difficult to stick to, and the weight goes straight back on when we stop dieting. You keep thinking that there must be a better way - and there is! Sleeping better as exercise helps to reduce stress. It’s been proven that getting fit helps reduce stress in your body, and so helps you to sleep. Feel great as your body feels more toned and relaxed. As you get fitter, your body feels better, you feel better about it, and you generate this feeling of wellbeing which you won’t believe until you’ve tried it. And many more benefits too numerous to mention. There really are so many benefits, and scientists are finding new ones every day. What’s more, I’ve never read a scientific paper which has suggested any negative side to getting fit. Not one. Bearing in mind how many papers are out there in different journals, it’s amazing that I’ve never seen one which has evidence giving a negative side. How many other topics in the universe
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2025-01-15 10:51, Process in 0.0030 second.