域名年龄: 22年5个月2天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2019年09月11日 22:16:06 连接:Upgrade, Keep-Alive 修改日期:2018年04月17日 23:21:54 网页标记:"3425-56a0ce606391c-gzip" 接受单位:字节 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:5029 Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=100 类型:text/html 页面编码:ISO-8859-1
GETOPT.ORGWelcometo GetOpt.Org!AboutmeI'm 52, Polish native, born, raised and educatedin Warsaw - graduated with M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from Warsaw UniversityofTechnology. I'm married to a beautiful girl named Beata (as in"beatitude"),and I'm a happy father of two - 19 year old Peter and 16 year old Cathy.I'm also a born-again Christian.Regarding my professional experience you can read my CVhere (PDF file).I'm currently self-employed, and I provide consulting services insystem integration and information retrieval through my company SIGRAMThis website is dedicated tovarious projects and professional interests of Andrzej Bialecki.ProjectsLukeLucene Index Browser.Launch with Java WebStartLicense: Apache 2.0Lucene is an Open Source,mature and high-performance Java search engine. It is highly flexible,and scalable from hundreds to millions of documents (the tests I knowabout used 43 mln documents, achieving < 10s search times).Luke is a handy development and diagnostictool, which accesses already existing Lucene indexes and allows you todisplay their contents in several ways:browse by document number, or by termview documents / copy to clipboardretrieve a ranked list of most frequent termsexecute a search, and browse the resultsselectively delete documents from the indexand more...StempelAn algorithmic stemmer andlemmatizer for the Polish language.License: Apache 2.0Stemming and lemmatization areimportant tools for Information Retrieval. They help to improve recall, especially in case of highly-inflectional languages like the Slavicfamily.Unfortunately, in case of Polish language there is only one freelyavailable dictionary-based stemmer by DawidWeiss, and no open source algorithmic stemmers exist. This projectaims to fill this gap with a high quality open source implementation,based on algorithmic approach. The algorithm and its implementationcome from the Egothor project.This project also provides stemming tables built from high-qualitycorpora.Current version of the stemmer achieves ca. 95% accuracy of stemming,for previously unseen word forms, and ca. 75% accuracy oflemmatization. This means that even at this early stage it is veryuseful.Murmur HashMurmurHash.javaLicense: Apache 2.0A Java implementation of a fasthash function, created by Austin Appleby (seethis sitefor more information and discussion of its performance).This is a very fast hash, with excellent avalanche behavior. Compared withthe FNV1a32 (see below) it's roughly 10 times faster, and roughly5 times faster that a Java version of Jenkins' hash (available here).This implementation is a Java port of a C version of MurmurHash 2.0 .FNV1 HashAPIbinarysource TGZsource ZIPLicense: Apache 2.0A Java implementation of fasthash functions, originally created by Glenn Fowler, Phong Vo, andimproved by Landon Curt Noll."FNV1 hashes are designed to be fast while maintaining a low collisionrate. The FNV1 speed allows one to quickly hash lots of data whilemaintaining a reasonable collision
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2025-01-09 11:20, Process in 0.0065 second.