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谷歌电视 提供谷歌电视 全天候谷歌电视频道 谷歌电视台 谷歌电视软件 谷歌电视资讯 adsense Steno's Law史坦諾定律 Doodle紀念Steno's Law 定義者374歲誕辰 Steno's Law史坦諾定律 Doodle紀念Steno's Law 定義者374歲誕辰【Steno's Law】Steno's Law是什麼?Steno's Law即史坦諾定律,Doodle紀念-Steno's Law 定義者Nicolas Steno 374歲誕辰!Steno's Law定義者 Nicolas是丹麥地質學家, Nicolas Steno 原本從事解剖學的研究,後來轉研究地球地質學,在石英晶體的研究中, Nicolas Steno發現每個晶體的大小、形狀和個數都不同,但晶面之間的夾角是固定不變的,也就是現在書上所講的 Steno's Law(史坦諾定律)或晶面角一致定律,此外還提出了疊加定律、連續性定律和水平性定律等三大地層學的重要理論,被譽為「地層學之父」。 Steno's Law是什麼法則? 谷歌紀念Steno's Law 定義者 Nicolas今天 Google Doodle 顯示的是一位丹麥地質學家 Nicolas Steno 374歲誕辰, 對於 Nicolas Steno 還認識不多的人可以界這個機會瞭解一番,感謝 Google 讓我們上了一課。哇!今天1/11Google Doodle怎麼被剖面呈現地層圖了呢?原來是要紀念Steno's Law定義者丹麥地質學家 Nicolas Steno 374歲誕辰!Steno's Law講述了地質學的基本法則,也就是地層會隨時間而堆疊,Google所要呈現的就是Steno's Law的精神,可以看到Doodle依照Steno's Law來繪製,有一層又一層的地層呢! Steno's Law史坦諾定律 Doodle紀念Steno's Law 定義者374歲誕辰Steno’s Law -英文資料the law of the constancy of interfacial angles in crystals. Steno’s law states that in all crystals of a given substance at a given temperature and pressure, the angles between corresponding faces of the crystals, regardless of the size and shape of the faces, are always the same. The law was established by N. Steno in 1669 on the basis of observations of the varied shapes of natural crystals and is explained by the correspondence of the faces of a crystal polyhedron to flat networks of atoms in the crystal lattice. Steno’s law forms the basis for the classification and identification of crystalline substances. The angles are measured with a goniometer.Nicolas Steno (Danish: Niels Stensen; Latinized to Nicolaus Steno -gen. Nicolai Stenonis-, Italian Niccolo' Stenone) (11 January 1638 – 25 November 1686) was a Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology. By 1659 he had decided not to accept anything simply written in a book, resolving instead to do research himself.[1] He is considered the father of geology and stratigraphy.[2] Steno was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1987. 0 comments Labels: Steno's Law Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook 不育毒油 東莞不育毒油可造成生精細胞損害導致睪丸萎縮男性不育! 不育毒油 東莞不育毒油可造成生精細胞損害導致睪丸萎縮男性不育!【不育毒油】平涼熱線www.p358.com綜合報道:不育毒油,什麽是不育毒油?不育毒油的危害有哪些?現在的花生油也靠不住了!東莞中堂鎮蕉利沈塘泥牛工業區的永隆食品廠是間只有10多名工人的小廠。據南都記者近日以打工者身份應聘該廠調油工,發現該廠用大豆油、棕櫚油、花生油香精加粗製棉油勾兌成花生油,日産約3.5噸,銷往深圳、東莞、佛山及省外的廣西、湖南、江西等地。東莞市工商部門突擊檢查長安、常平、石碣等地的農超市場,查獲大批該廠生産的“問題油”。浙江大學食品與營養系主任應鐵進教授稱,未精煉過的棉籽油有毒。粗製棉籽油可造成生精細胞損害,導致睪丸萎縮,致男性不育。 不育毒油 專家說法 粗製棉籽油有毒能導致不育記者調查發現,食用油裡添加的棉籽油能食用嗎?對此,浙江大學食品與營養系主任應鐵進教授稱,精煉過的棉籽油,是透明的,無毒可以食;精煉前的棉籽油因為含有很多雜質,往往是渾濁的、不透明的。沒有精煉過的棉
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