域名年龄: 13年12个月4天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 服务器:nginx 访问时间:2014年04月22日 06:30:34 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 文件大小:0 连接:keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=15 X-Pingback: 目标网址: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx 访问时间:2014年04月22日 06:30:34 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 连接:keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=15 动作:Accept-Encoding X-Pingback: Content-Encoding: gzip 网站编码:UTF-8
Shopping Ideas Benefits that Come With Shopping From Wholesalers Start a Business with Drop Shipping A Beginner’s Guide to Drop Shipping UK internet shopping hits record high Privacy Policy Terms Of Use Contact Us Insight on drop shipping April 10, 2014 2:53 pm ⋅ admin The invention of the internet has revolutionized the way business is conducted world over with new and more efficient ways of doing business being invented. It is now possible to make a purchase when sited in your home or office with the help of the internet not to mention that you can as well get the commodity that you need at the convenience of your door step. The current business conducted on the internet range from e- shopping to drop shipping. Drop shipping is a new concept in the business world and you might come across many people who are trying to answer the question, what is drop shipping. It is simply a business arrangement where the merchandize involved in the trade reaches the consumer with the least number of middlemen being involved. This is a real business and those who have treated it as one have benefited immensely. Drop ship business happens to be one of the lowest costing, fastest and one of the easiest for those who want to earn a significant income while working at the comfort of their homes with the help of their personal computer. The drop ship business involves several parties. One of them is the drop ship supplier who plays a very vital role. In the business, you seek for a whole seller or a supplier who sends particular goods to your client who is a third party and enables you the second party to conduct the business. First, you will get a price quotation from the supplier and you will get the customers and quote a price to them and after making the sale the difference will be your profit. In this kind of a business each arty is important and they depend on one another. In the yester years the drop ship business was conducted using the big mail order catalogue companies. The invention of the internet has however revolutionized the whole aspect of drop shipping making it more convenient and less cumbersome making it to be within the reach of many people including stay at home moms. This has made it possible to start a personal business from your home. This is a perfect business as you can get a regular income without having to buy any stock or inventory. This makes it even more profitable as you do not need to hire a store or some kind of storage facility. What happens is, a client places an order with you and makes the payment. You will forward the order to the supplier or the wholesaler who will ship or drop the particulars to the clients. They deliver the products fully packaged in your name from the ware house to the clients door step. Your task remains to be that of a marketer where you place the products images and description on your website and your clients will order them from there. You are to set the retail prices on your site which the clie
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