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Ricky Franklin RickyFranklin.net Main Navigation Home Father Above News Forum Wavestix New Releases Early-Production Demos Upcoming Music Singles Tentative New Songs THE FRANKLIN SISTERS Just Ahead TWANG Music Vocal Magazine Photos 1 Photos 2 Photos 3 Photos 4 Photos 5 Entertainment Pictures T-Shirts & Apparel Prototype Artistry Shows & Events Home RICKY FRANKLINRICKY FRANKLIN decided to go with his "LUCILLE BALL" BALLROOM DANCING Theme ALBUM COVER for his Song I'M LEADIN' that was Re-Sung with Ricky himself taking over Lead Vocals that he thought was completed yesterday on October 29, 2013, except after some listening last night and today that always happens it still needs some more Editing yet that is a minor detail then. I'M LEADIN' & PRETTY BABY are now readying for Digital Distribution here in December 2013 at Various Digital Downloading Services of your choice like iTunes! Each two REAL COOL Songs! PRETTY BABY was just Re-Listed tonight on December 17, 2013! JUSTIFY will be the fifth Song to complete the 5-Song EP before the second half of the Album gets started! Again, this entire 10-Song Album might still take a year to complete. I just Hope & Pray that it would happen faster, and that is why I need backers because I have other Songs other than these 10 I would like to Record yet if possible before I could Enter Into Rest from Diabetes or who knows what, except everyone have FUN for now and ETERNALLY with these SONGS! Ricky Franklin's Single #5 JUSTIFY will be hopefully be AVAILABLE before the end of FEBRUARY 2014 on this FIVE SONG EP #1 Featuring I'M LEADIN' that you should ENJOY! The Track List will be: 1. I'M LEADIN' 2. PRETTY BABY 3. JUSTIFY 4. CLIMB ANY MOUNTAIN 5. SAVE ME ! Look for me on iTunes and many other Digital Music Servers, and I Believe you can actually in the near future buy a hard copy Compact Disc at www.Amazon.com in a few more days of each Single & any Albums if you want to have a Copy for your Music Library! Ricky Franklin's "AWESOME" Blues-Rock Song SAVE ME that is SINGLE #4! Look for me on iTunes and many other Digital Music Servers, and I Believe you can actually in a few days buy a hard copy Compact Disc at www.Amazon.com in a few more days of each Single! CLIMB ANY MOUNTAIN that was Single #3 listed as WAVESTIX instead of Ricky Franklin and will be A KEYBOARD VERSI0N for RICKY FRANKLIN'S "EP 1" while the Original Version has no Keybaords and will be AVAILABLE hopefully in the next Month or two! EP 1 might have some various Alternate takes for fans to Enjoy! Maybe A REAL TRAIN WHISTLE too instead of A WOODEN ONE for CLIMB ANY MOUNTAIN too, and the ending of the Song is getting some GUITAR ENHANCEMENT added with THE KEYBOARDS included because there was a fallout with the first Producer so we are going to FINISH it! That means the WAVESTIX Version with THE BAMBOO COVER & WALKING STEPS is RARE actually being what now is THE FIRST MAIN VE
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