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Sunday ScheduleWorship 10:55 amSun. School for Adults & Children 9:45 am Menu From the heart of the city, Sharing the heart of Christ Worship Give Mobile CALENDAR For The City Newsletters Core Values Staff Sermon Manuscripts Sermons PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Directions Kid's Day Out Pictures Scholarships Forms Special services and workshops Our History Social V.B.S. 2019 Sermon series for September, 2019 Thanks to everyone who worked "For The City" 2019. More Click "More" to download app. More From the heart of the city, sharing the heart of Christ. Welcome to Kavanaugh From the heart of the city, sharing the heart of Christ. Sunday Schedule Classic Worship 10:55 am Children's Church during worship Sun. School for Adults and Youth at 9:45 am The campus is located in the heart of the city, that is, south of downtown Greenville on the corner of Park St. and Stonewall St. 2516 Park Street, Greenville, TX 75401903-455-2869office@kavumc.org Kavanaugh is named after Bishop Hubbard Hinde Kavanaugh, who was elected bishop in 1854. At the founding of the church in 1896, one person suggested that they name the congregation after the late Bishop Kavanaugh because he had been a leader in American Methodism. Heart for Greenville's Children Kavanaugh cares about Greenville, especially the city’s children. The church partners with Travis Elementary School, the new STEM Academy, and the Boys and Girls Clubs. Kava-Kids provides a safe haven every school-day for at-risk elementary students by assisting them with homework and giving them love and support. Heart for Greenville's Community Enrichment Our vision motto is “From the heart of the city, sharing the heart of Christ.” This preferred future includes Kavanaugh’s being a cultural center. At Kavanaugh UMC, we recognize that cultural and intellectual growth go hand in hand with spiritual development. Our Community Enrichment Series offers both sacred and secular programs designed to foster that growth and to provide family entertainment, free of charge, to the entire community. An endowment fund targeted for enrichment programming has allowed the church to provide this community outreach since 1996. Every Fourth of July, the more than 500 people who participated in the parade down Park Street pack the sanctuary for a fun Patriotic Program. The series has brought a wide variety of superior performance to the area; for example, Community Enrichment has hosted the very-talented classical musical group Neo Camerata in 2017. Heart for Greenville's Welfare Along with Ken Money, the pastor organized For The City, which is a week of local mission projects for 30+ area churches in June of hopefully-every year. For The City is a response to Jeremiah 29:7, "Seek the welfare of the city... and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare" (E.S.V.). The Healthy Church Initiative is helping Kavanaugh to focus even more on this city t
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