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    Posted on April 29, 2018November 9, 2018Uncategorized
    Doctors and Health Centers in France
    There are more than 170,000 doctors in France, most of them professionally dedicated to the private sector of Health and with specialization degrees, while the rest is distributed in some public hospital activity and salaried exclusively by the French State. In France you can freely choose the doctors and specialists and even request a hospitalization by your own means, but according to the regulations of the Health system, you must take charge of 30% of the expenses of medical fees and 40% of those generated by the auxiliary staff.
    Medical insurance
    Veterinary ( veterinaire de garde ) or Medical services include those that are covered by the French Social Security and those that are covered by an International Insurance in the case of foreigners. Citizens of the European Union who are in France either by transit or as residents, have the right to free health care in France. Those people who do not belong to the European Union can only have assistance in case of emergencies, so it is convenient for you in these cases before traveling to France, that you obtain a private coverage that reaches France, and make sure you also find out that the Private coverage that you hire has an office in France or somewhere you can go if you need advice.
    If you are going to live in France you should subscribe to the French Social Security System that includes medical insurance, in which case you will not only be covered by yourself, but also reach all the people who are in your charge as family members, minor children, spouse , etc., but only as long as they live with you and depend economically on you.
    How to request a medical consultation
    Except that it is an emergency and you must go directly to the hospital or private clinic, to request an appointment with the doctor you must do it in all cases by phone and it will be granted for a few days later, the delay depends on a doctor general practitioner, a specialist, a private professional or in a public hospital; in this latter case you may have to wait longer, perhaps for a few months given the great demand of the population.
    Under what conditions can a doctor practice his profession in France?
    According to article L.4111-1 of the French Public Health Code, everyone can practice medicine in France as long as it complies with the following requirements:
    Hold a diploma, certificate or other title mentioned in article L.4131-1. Have the French nationality, be a citizen of Andorra, Morocco, Tunisia, or of a country that has a convention with France (European Union). Be enrolled in the Medical Association in France, this last requirement is subordinated to the completion of the first two. It is important to know that since 1976, citizens of the member countries of the European Union can move freely and settle in France at any time.
    Have an equivalent diploma and be enrolled in the Me

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