域名年龄: 11年7个月8天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx/1.4.7 访问时间:2014年04月16日 00:21:04 类型:text/html 文件大小:7729 修改日期:2014年01月20日 19:01:06 连接:keep-alive 网页标记:"52dd01f2-1e31" 接受单位:字节 页面编码:gb2312
ABOUT US PARTNERS PRODUCTS SERVICES CONTACTS QUOTATION MMEI is located in the heartland of the Hi-Tech Development Zone and capital of China’s long lasting historic city of Xi’an. Once the centre of the Chinese empire, it has in recent years developed into the... read more Magmetal Enterprises Inc. (MMEI) specialises in the mining, production, and export of a series of magnesium products such as Dolomite, Vermiculite, Magnesium Ingots and Granules, Aluminium Powders and Alloys as well as the business surrounding those processes. The company and its employees have been involved in the field of magnesium satisfying customers all over the world for over 15 years. Currently, Magmetal Enterprises Inc. has two pure magnesium ingot plants in Shanxi province, China, running on an annual production capacity of 20,000 metric tons. Furthermore, Magmetal Enterprises Inc. owns its own magnesium granules plant in Henan Province, China, which currently produces 15,000 metric tons annually. MMEI also owns two Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) plants where pure magnesium ingots are used producing alloys to fit individual customer requirements. The current total production capacity is approximately 15,000 metric tons per year. The usual alloy (AM50A, AM60B, and AZ91D/AZ91HP). Magmetal's Vermiculite operations are located in the tri-province area of Shaanxi, Henan and Shanxi near Tongguan where currently 2 out of 7 mining locations are in production with proven reserves of over 8 million metric tons serving our processing plant at a current annual production capacity of 20,000 metric tons. (All Grades available!) Magmetal Enterprises Inc. is proud to announce the opening of its newly established Vermiculite mining operations in China as well as its newly established Vermiculite Ore processing plant. The project was established in 2011 with the completion of the plant and mining infrastructure in March 2012 after which an extensive testing period was established to turn the superior quality ore into Pure High Quality Raw Vermiculite able to supply High Quality Material End Users who would like to give their product an extra competitive edge. OFFICE SITE A: Rm. 903, East Building of TIAN LI DA SHA, 191 Keji 4th Road, Xi'an Hi-tech Industries Development District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China Post Code:710065 Tel: +86-136-19210575 OFFICE SITE B: SwissTouches Hotel, att. Magmetal Enterprises Inc., 22 Feng Hui South Road, Xi'an Hi-tech Industries Development District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China Post Code:710065 Tel: +86-132-01672369
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