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MIAMI-DADE OFFICE OF THE STATE ATTORNEY, 11th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT+ home+about SAObiographypress releasesour facilitiesmiami-dade+servicesbad checks+CHILDREN -sexual abuse -child support+OUTREACH -JIM events calendar-contact JIM+LEGAL-felony depos-non-felony depos -case lookup -DUI discovery docs+DOMESTIC VIOLENCE-DART-MOVES+HURRICANE HELP-Consumer Videos-Tips-Complaint FormsID theft internet safety justice projectgrantsexpunge records+VICTIMS WITNESSES-guide -compensation-linksvoting complaints+employment +ATTORNEY-message from SAO-practice-training-resumes-benefits-cost of living-openings-to apply-contact us+STAFF-message from SAO-openings-benefits-guidelines-cost of living -contact HR+publications DUI discovery docsCJIS Offensesgrand jury reports police newsletter press releases+contact us directionsphone list+español+¿quienes somos?-biografía-avisos de prensa-oficinas-miami-dade+informacion huracan-videos -formas violencia domestica+cheques sin fondo-cortando-pérdidas -éxito-programa-compruebe-cheques-aceptando chequesHow We Can Help - Child Sexual Abuse - Bad Checks +CLICK FOR HELP - Protection Injunctions - Address Confidentiality - Legal & Financial Help +LIST OF SERVICES Click here for the latest information on your court case. +LINK TO LOOKUP - ID-Theft Presentations - Public Safety Education - Seal & Expungement +UPCOMING EVENTS Legal Professionals Click here to learn how to serve court documents on this office via eService. +LEARN MORE Trial experience from the outset & comprehensive training program. +LEARN MORE As of 2007 attorneys must pre-schedule depo rooms. +FELONY DEPO +NON-FELONY DEPO +DUI DISCOVERY Police-Prosecutor Coordinating Committee Issues, Case Law, Police SAO Procedures +CURRENT RAPSHEET News Room If you need the SAO's last release or old release we have them online. +ENGLISH RELEASES Si necesita el mas recién aviso de prensa o uno del pasado, lo tenemos en línea. +CONSULTIVO ESPAÑOL Need the lastest grand jury report or any Grand Jury dating back to 1945? +ALL REPORTS GRAND JURY REPORT ENSLAVEMENT OF OUR CHILDREN: Identifying and Combating Human Sex Trafficking in our Community. READ IT HERE If you’re a victim of Human Trafficking or if you know someone that might be a victim of Human Trafficking please call our hotline at: 305-350-5567 Here are some warning signs to help you identify victims: Does a minor appear to be in a relationship with an older person? Unexplained gifts Truancy from school Change in Appearance Signs of fear, depression, paranoia or anxiety Changes in behavior CLICK HERE FOR INFO As State Attorney for Miami-Dade County I serve as head of the largest prosecutor's office in Florida and the fourth largest in the nation. Our office is integral to this community as we strive towards creating a safer place to live, work and raise our families. Katherine Fernandez Rundle Miami-Dade State Attorney News Releases ( click for more ) Loading... Commu
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