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Opcare 9 Opcare 9 HomeConsortiumWork packagesPublicationsColloquium MeetingsOPCARE9 Final ConferenceContact us Together we can make a real difference for the care of dying patients in Europe and beyond.Professor John Ellershaw Members area Login to OPCARE 9 OPCARE 9 OPCARE 9 is a European collaboration which aims to optimise research and clinical care for cancer patients in the last days of life. This is an EU 7th Framework funded project worth €2.2 million which involves the collaboration of 9 international academic partners. It aims to facilitate: The development of innovative and creative research methodologies and protocols to address identified gaps in knowledge through future international collaboration The identification of European Quality Indicators against which to measure future care in the last days of life The identification of 'Technologies' with which to improve the delivery of care in the final days and hours of life OPCARE9 Conference - 1st March 2011 OPCARE9: an EU 7th Framework Collaboration & Support Action grant to optimise research for the care of cancer patients in the last days of life. The OPCARE9 Conference on 1st March marked the completion of a multi-national and interdisciplinary European Union funded three-year project involving academics, researchers and clinicians from nine countries across the globe. This one day key dissemination conference focusessed on the highlights and results of the three-year project, which was of interest to health professionals, policy makers and clinical leaders from both the UK and overseas. Key speakers at the conference include Professor Lukas Radbruch, President of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC); Professor Sir Howard Newby, Vice Chancellor of the University of Liverpool and Professor Sir Mike Richards, National Clinical Director of Cancer and End of Life Care at the Department of Health, England. Click here to read more about the day. Partner Links Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute University Hospital Cologne Erasmus MC, University of Rotterdam National Cancer Research Institute, Genoa Stockholms Sjukhem Foundation University Clinic of Respiratory & Allergic Diseases, Golnik Cantonal Hospital St Gallen Pallium Latinoamerica Arohanui Hospice, New Zealand Contacts | Disclaimer | Accessibility
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