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home About ORAPIG@NET Apple IPAD Iphone electronics Google Internet Linux Microsoft Linux Mint 11 and Fedora 15: In One Week, Two Gems Debut 0 By admin :: Uncategorized :: May 27th, 2011 It’s not every week that sees the launch of a major release from one of the most popular Linux distributions. This week, however, we’ve had the benefit of not just one but two such landmark debuts. Little Miss Sunshine and other Hargreaves characters featured in Google Doodle 0 By admin :: Uncategorized :: May 9th, 2011 The animated characters created by British children’s author Roger Hargreaves have captured the imagination of children with their simplicity and silliness for 40 years. Monday, 16 Google Doodles paid tribute to the characters of Hargreaves’s “Mr. Men” and “Little Miss” series. Hargreaves would have been 76. Teardown of Apple’s iPad 2 Smart Cover 0 By admin :: Apple, IPAD :: March 24th, 2011 A total of 31 magnets are used to make the iPad 2 and its Apple-branded Smart Cover properly align, with 21 magnets found in the accessory and the remaining 10 in the iPad 2 itself.For the first time ever, iFixit conducted a teardown of a case, a move that highlights the unique nature of Apple’s Smart Cover for the iPad 2. When the iPad 2 was first introduced, Apple touted that its accessory cover was developed alongside the new touchscreen tablet. Teardown of Apple’s iPad 2 0 By admin :: Apple, IPAD :: March 24th, 2011 Immediately after Apple’s release of the iPad 2 on Friday, iFixit began a teardown of Apple’s iPad 2, discovering a slight increase in battery capacity compared to the original iPad and confirming that the tablet has 512MB of RAM.iFixit gave Apple’s just-released iPad 2 a repairability score of 4 out of 10 after completing its teardown on Friday. According to the report, the touchscreen tablet contains only standard Phillips screws, while the battery is “very securely” stuck down to the rear case. Apple iPad 2 Preview 0 By admin :: Apple, IPAD :: March 13th, 2011 The iPad 2 is a very logical update to the original iPad. The hardware gets an upgrade, with revised industrial design, a slimmer chassis, and Apple’s new A5 SoC inside. A5 brings along two Cortex A9 cores, a dual core version of PowerVR’s SGX543 graphics chip, and 512MB of memory. Software stays mostly the same but gets some tweaks; the iPad 2 ships with iOS 4.3, which was released earlier this week as an update for the iPhone 4 and original iPad. What To Expect From iPad 2 0 By admin :: Apple, IPAD :: February 28th, 2011 Apple is almost certainly taking the wrapper off its next-generation iPad on Wednesday, so now is a great time to take stock of all the rumors, analyst predictions, and other info we’ve been hearing about the upcoming device. We might not have long to wait to get our hands on Apple’s newest tablet, since AppleInsider is reporting that it will be in store shelves soon after it’s unveiled. But let’
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