域名年龄: 25年9个月21天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2016年12月08日 08:55:03 动作:Accept-Encoding,Cookie 缓存控制:max-age=300,必须更新 WP-Cache: Served supercache file from PHP Content-Encoding: gzip Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive Transfer-Encoding: chunked 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 网站编码:UTF-8
» skip to content «rss §atom §rdfvictor perottiprofessor, future internet, digital entrepreneurship and businessSearch:HomeAboutLifestreamI use this HDMI cable to watch laptop content on my TV…I recommend this…April 13th, 2015Posted in Uncategorized No CommentsHere is my cool info graphic…Business Model Evolving, Circulation Revenue Rising | Create in class demoSeptember 9th, 2014Posted in Uncategorized No Comments2013 Newspaper media Revenue | Create demonstrationSeptember 9th, 2014Posted in Uncategorized No CommentsNate Silver's Election MapPresident Obama’s reelection last night happened amidst a confluence of trends in our nation’s demographics, economics, even some-would-say our meteorology. The most important of these is not a trend, but a meta-trend: the true onset of the Data Era. Should Florida go to the President (as it is leaning), Nate Silver, long-time author of the fivethirtyeight blog, will have correctly predicted all 50 states’ presidential vote outcomes, and all but two of the senate races. This accuracy marks a triumph of Statistics and Data Science, and signals the future for our elections, and many other things.Data Data everywhereIt is important to note that we have long honed our ability to analyze data, with required statistics classes for many different majors on a College campus (hello #RITEMBAStats!). In fact, Silver’s method includes analysis of error using sum of squares just the same as introductory stats students learn in their regression unit. Over the years, “Database Marketing”, “Data Science”, “Big Data”, “Business Intelligence”, “Data Analytics” and others terms have become catch phrases to refer to the trend of analyzing data to discover useful patterns.While our attention to data has existed for decades, our ability to make such visible results on a grand scale is relatively recent. The biggest reason for this is the new availability of data to large audiences. The most obvious source of this new information is social media. Twitter, for example, hit a new peak of 66,019 tweets per minute around 9:30pm last night. This massive data set is continuously broadcast for anyone who is interested to read, or analyze it. Many commercial ventures study it closely. Dell Computer’s 1st Chief Listening Officer Susan Beebe uses a wide variety of analysis tools to track the vast array of social media data relevant to her company.Another major source of this new information are the companies that actively collect, and then share, their data. In 2009, the $1 Million NetFlix prize was awarded to team BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos for their algorithm predicting how well a viewer will enjoy a movie based on their movie preferences. Since then, crowd-sourced data analysis has become mainstream with websites like Kaggleoffering new competitions as well a
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