域名年龄: 28年6个月14天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2014年08月19日 21:32:02 服务器:Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:4300 Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html 页面编码:UTF-8
Search for another domain name.Welcome to quinn.net This domain is available for a personalized email address.This domain is part of an exclusive collection of "shared" personal names that allows multiple users to have simple, memorable email addresses, such as you@quinn.net, all sharing the same domain name.Is your name available?@quinn.netPersonalized email addresses starting from only$35/yearWhy do I need a personalized email address?It better represents you. It's easier to communicate. You never need to change it. Plus, you can use it with whatever email program you prefer. We can help. Personal Email Tutorials Forward your email address Configuring Outlook 2007 (IMAP) Configuring Blackberry (POP3) Configuring iPhone (IMAP) Use your address with Gmail Use your address with Yahoo! Use your address with Hotmail More tutorials Email Packages $35 $60 $80 1 mailbox 6 mailbox 10 mailbox Each mailbox includes: Email forwarding Webmail Inbound and outbound filtering 2 GB of storage POP / IMAP (for Outlook, Mac Mail, Blackberry, iPhone...) Who is Hover? Hover is a division of Tucows Inc., an ICANN accredited, publicly-traded technology company serving thousands of businesses and millions of Internet users worldwide since 1994. Learn more What are people saying about Hover? I love Hover. I always get prompt and helpful and personal responses from you "guys". May all your days be merry and bright! – Pat This domain name is part of the OpenSRS Personal Names Service and is one of the Tucows owned portfolio of personal domain names. If you have any questions about this domain name or website, please email pninquiry@tucows.com Help Links Help Home Tutorials Home Customer Forums What's New (Blog) System Alerts Submit A Help Request View A Help Request Tutorial Sections Account Management Domain Management Domain Transfers Email Shortcuts (Hovers) Webmail Popular Links Pricing Become an Affiliate Renewing Hover Services Edit DNS Records Email Server Settings Outlook 2007 iPhone Blackberry Tucows Software Downloads Butterscotch (Videos) About Tucows Inc. Jobs at Tucows Inc. Terms of Service Copyright © 2013 Hover. All Rights Reserved
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