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CategoriesSearchPinterestEnglish (US)Log inThere’s more to see...Sign up to see the rest of what’s here!ContinueLog inRachelle ChuangFollowRachelle ChuangOrange County, CA·adjunct faculty | art dabbler | creativity cultivator | lover of beauty and colorful things68 Boards11,396 Pins3,800 Likes818 Followers622 FollowingI Love Color!Rachelle Chuang875 PinsFollowArt I LoveRachelle Chuang633 PinsFollowTypographyRachelle Chuang879 PinsFollowLetterpressRachelle Chuang244 PinsFollowAnglophileRachelle Chuang204 PinsFollowFanatical Mechanical Exhibition - House IndustriesRachelle Chuang69 PinsFollowBookishRachelle Chuang454 PinsFollowBook ArtsRachelle Chuang951 PinsFollowIllustrationRachelle Chuang84 PinsFollowPaper Wonders!Rachelle Chuang880 PinsFollowFlowers & SucculentsRachelle Chuang141 PinsFollowHand PapermakingRachelle Chuang123 PinsFollowRandom LikesRachelle Chuang147 PinsFollowSanta Fe AdorationRachelle Chuang3 PinsFollowSigns :: ExteriorsRachelle Chuang31 PinsFollowFibers :: TextilesRachelle Chuang278 PinsFollowPurple PlethoraRachelle Chuang217 PinsFollowPackaging :: PresentationRachelle Chuang292 PinsFollowGradient :: OmbreRachelle Chuang107 PinsFollowPrintmaking & ProcessRachelle Chuang268 PinsFollowHistory of Graphic DesignRachelle Chuang111 PinsFollowDesignRachelle Chuang352 PinsFollowPattern HappyRachelle Chuang65 PinsFollowDesign Principle: RepetitionRachelle Chuang346 PinsFollowGrammarRachelle Chuang1 PinFollowi am nerdRachelle Chuang63 PinsFollowThe Page Show: An Interactive Exhibition of Artist BooksRachelle Chuang22 PinsFollowThread ArtRachelle Chuang110 PinsFollowForm :: Abstract SculptureRachelle Chuang556 PinsFollowBundles // Collections // GroupingsRachelle Chuang100 PinsFollow3D Design: UpcyclingRachelle Chuang118 PinsFollow3D Design: Straw ProjectsRachelle Chuang58 PinsFollowWindow Display Rachelle Chuang 45 Pins Follow 3D Design: Wire Sculpture Rachelle Chuang 72 Pins Follow Emerald Pantone Color of the Year 2013 Rachelle Chuang 27 Pins Follow Folding and Pleating Rachelle Chuang 61 Pins Follow INFJ :: Enneagram Type 4 Rachelle Chuang 5 Pins Follow Abstract Painting Rachelle Chuang 710 Pins Follow Yummy Rachelle Chuang 79 Pins Follow Positivity Rachelle Chuang 47 Pins Follow Surface Design & Texture Rachelle Chuang 51 Pins Follow 3D: Chair Design Rachelle Chuang 245 Pins Follow Uppercase Magazine Rachelle Chuang 79 Pins Follow Mark Making Rachelle Chuang 141 Pins Follow 3D Design: Containers & Vessels Rachelle Chuang 114 Pins Follow i love old stuff Rachelle Chuang 46 Pins Follow Organization/Systems Rachelle Chuang 3 Pins Follow Oh no! Pinterest doesn't work unless you turn on JavaScript.
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