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Rich Bowen Photo by David Reid About Me I am the Community Growth Hacker at SourceForge where I get to work with thousands of amazing Open Source projects. I write stuff for the SourceForge Blog, and for the SourceForge Twitter account and Facebook page. Did I mention the awesome Open Source projects? I blog and podcast at DrBacchus.com, and I use Twitter. I occasionally post on modrewrite.org, and intend to post there a lot more often. My photos are on Flickr. I'm a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and active on the Apache Web Server documentation project. I helped found the Habari blog software project. I've written several books, as well as some short stories. I'm currently working on new book about Open Source Documentation. I speak at a lot of conferences. I hack on various Open Source things. I occasionally do a podcast called FeatherCast, about the Apache Software Foundation. I grew up in Kenya, and started the first website, ever, about Kenya, back in 1992. It's still running, although it's show its age. My wife is an artist. She sells stuff on CafePress and Etsy. You should buy some. Apache Administrator's Handbook Apache Cookbook (2nd Ed.) The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite RCBowen Kenya page Un site un article Discount Furniture Store Online unblock sites Dedicated servers hosting
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2025-03-28 19:48, Process in 0.0051 second.