域名年龄: 11年10个月20天HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request 服务器:AkamaiGHost Mime-Version: 1.0 类型:text/html 文件大小:192 过期时间:2015年04月23日 13:39:39 访问时间:2015年04月23日 13:39:39 连接:关闭 Planning for the Future at MLK and Harbor-UCLA ? Supervisor Mark … By: - October 12th, 2012 Filed under: Uncategorized Add Comment Posted on Oct 10, 2012 in MLK Hospitalby admin The new Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital and the newly renovated Harbor-UCLA hospital will be so much more than the old fashioned, traditional centers of medical services of previous generations. After a year-long community planning process, master plans for both hospitals are completed. Instead of fashioning two stand-alone facilities, plans are to have them be the heart of a web of community wellness resources. The hospital campuses will be at the center of a network that includes healthcare-related businesses, fitness centers, nutritional education and even housing. The master plans are roadmaps, not hard and fixed requirements, but they seek to anticipate the future direction of healthcare and prepare for that new day. Martin Luther King Jr. Medical Center Master Plan? The MLK Medical Center Campus Master Plan lays out a vision not just for the facilities on what will be part of the completed MLK medical village, but also for the entire 142-acre Willowbrook MLK Wellness Community that surrounds the campus. On campus, the plan suggests room for a new mental health urgent care center, medical office space, residential facilities for seniors and medical interns and residents, research and development, and health-related retail space, such as a pharmacy on the 42-acre MLK Medical Center campus. It also leaves room for the eventual expansion of the new hospital and new Multi-Service Ambulatory Care Center. Off campus, the MLK plan envisions space for school-based health centers, mobile clinics, blood banks, and community health centers to support the work of the MLK campus and provide a more holistic approach to health care. The plan recommends a new health park and a series of connected community gardens, safe pedestrian walkways, and recreational facilities to promote wellness and physical activity. It promotes access to healthier food options and includes space for retail. It also increases access to public transportation. Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Master Plan? The 72-acre Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Master Plan substantially reconfigures the campus. It moves out-patient and mental health services into new buildings, adds hospital beds, adds new retail and improves campus parking. This plan suggests development of community walking paths, roof top gardens, and green open space for recreational community use. The plan also promotes the continued bioscience innovation already occurring on the campus through the County?s partnership with LA BioMed. The County invested nearly $3 Million per campus to develop these long-term plans, which assess current conditions and propose a framework for future expansion of each site. The next step is implementation. Once the master plans are approved by the Board of Supervisors, antic
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