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12/0420139:16PM fer1972: Illustrations to make you Think: Pawel Kuczynski (via travisanything) 12/0420139:16PM (Source: iraffiruse, via travisanything) 12/042013 travisanything: Well isn’t this just rad as fuck.(Source: travisanything) This is how our solar system moves through space. 12/0420139:14PM travisanything: I’ve never even thought of it moving in such a manor. Even if you remain perfectly still your entire life, you will have traveled through the cosmos at speeds your brain can’t even comprehend, and you will never, ever have been in the same space twice.(Source: travisanything) 12/042013 the-absolute-best-posts: This post has been featured on a blog!(Source: litto, via reneephamous) 12/0420138:58PM artmonia: Metal Insects by Edouard Martinet, who recycles bits and pieces of old objects to create this fascinating bestiary. Radios, household appliances, typewriters and other metal relics become the raw material of these sculptures. (via toxikshock) 09/242013 imremembering: Happy Birthday, Jim Henson. We miss you. (via wilwheaton) 07/2320138:57PM (Source: ed-pool, via touchofcrass) 05/2520134:40PM olenna-redwyne: Sad Cat Diaries (x) (Source: kindelling, via wilwheaton) 05/082013 motionaday: Nightvision Monday: Taiyo Yamamoto (via wilwheaton) RSS Archive nontheist herbivore libertarian freethinkermail · xmpp (otr) · gtalk 1 of 6
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