域名年龄: 17年11个月24天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2015年07月24日 14:05:54 语言环境:PHP/5.3.2 设置Cookie:PHPSESSID=0k0416sjmhiejo9i0k6k0dq607; path=/ 过期时间:1981年11月19日 16:52:00 缓存控制:no-store, 不缓存,必须更新, post-check=0, pre-check=0 其他指令:不缓存 目标网址: 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:20 Keep-Alive: timeout=5 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2015年07月24日 14:05:54 语言环境:PHP/5.3.2 设置Cookie:PHPSESSID=mvvbkgmgehiae3chanrpg4nta0; path=/ 过期时间:1981年11月19日 16:52:00 缓存控制:no-store, 不缓存,必须更新, post-check=0, pre-check=0 其他指令:不缓存 动作:Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip 文件大小:5837 Keep-Alive: timeout=5 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 网站编码:UTF-8 is for sellBuy3,540.00 €uros(one payment)Rent849.60 €uros(yearly)Lease147.50 €uros1,770.00 €uros(monthly)(one payment) informationNS1NS1.TOPDOMAINER.COMNS2NS2.TOPDOMAINER.COMCreated2007-01-20Expires2012-01-20RegistrarGODADDY.COM, INC.OwnerItnet Consulting Business SLRoger 65,67 1barcelona, barcelona 08028SpainContact us if you want to buy or rent this domainNameEmailPhone PrefixAfghanistan - 93Albania - 355Algeria - 213Andorra - 376Angola - 244Antigua and Barbuda - 268Argentina - 54Armenia - 374Australia - 61Austria - 43Azerbaijan - 994Bahamas - 242Bahrain - 973Bangladesh - 880Barbados - 246Belarus - 375Belgium - 32Belize - 501Benin - 229Bhutan - 975Bolivia - 591Bosnia and Herzegovina - 387Botswana - 267Brazil - 55Brunei - 673Bulgaria - 359Burkina Faso - 226Burundi - 257Cambodia - 855Cameroon - 237Canada - 1Cape Verde - 238Central African Republic - 236Chad - 235Chile - 56China - 86Colombia - 57Comoros - 269Congo (Brazzaville) - 242Congo, Democratic Republic of the - 243Costa Rica - 506Côte d'Ivoire - 225Croatia - 385Cuba - 53Cyprus - 357Czech Republic - 420Denmark - 45Djibouti - 253Dominica - 767Dominican Republic - 809East Timor (Timor Timur) - 670Ecuador - 593Egypt - 20El Salvador - 503Equatorial Guinea - 240Eritrea - 291Estonia - 372Ethiopia - 251Fiji - 679Finland - 358France - 33Gabon - 241Gambia, The - 220Georgia - 995Germany - 49Ghana - 233Greece - 30Grenada - 473Guatemala - 502Guinea - 224Guinea-Bissau - 245Guyana - 592Haiti - 509Honduras - 504Hungary - 36Iceland - 354India - 91Indonesia - 62Iran - 98Iraq - 964Ireland - 353Israel - 972Italy - 39Jamaica - 876Japan - 81Jordan - 962Kazakhstan - 7Kenya - 254Kiribati - 686Korea, North - 850Korea, South - 82Kuwait - 965Kyrgyzstan - 996Laos - 856Latvia - 371Lebanon - 961Lesotho - 266Liberia - 231Libya - 218Liechtenstein - 423Lithuania - 370Luxembourg - 352Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of - 389Madagascar - 261Malawi - 265Malaysia - 60Maldives - 960Mali - 223Malta - 356Marshall Islands - 692Mauritania - 222Mauritius - 230Mexico - 52Micronesia, Federated States of - 691Moldova - 373Monaco - 377Mongolia - 976Montenegro - 382Morocco - 212Mozambique - 258Myanmar (Burma) - 95Namibia - 264Nauru - 674Nepal - 977Netherlands - 31New Zealand - 64Nicaragua - 505Niger - 227Nigeria - 234Norway - 47Oman - 968Pakistan - 92Palau - 680Panama - 507Papua New Guinea - 675Paraguay - 595Peru - 51Philippines - 63Poland - 48Portugal - 351Qatar - 974Romania - 40Russia - 7Rwanda - 250Saint Kitts and Nevis - 869Saint Lucia - 758Saint Vincent and The Grenadines - 784Samoa - 685San Marino - 378Sao Tome and Principe - 239Saudi Arabia - 966Senegal - 221Serbia - 381Seychelles - 248Sierra Leone - 232Singapore - 65Slovakia - 421Slovenia - 386Solomon Islands - 677Somalia - 252South Africa - 27Spain - 34Sri Lanka - 94Sudan - 249Suriname - 597Swaziland - 268Sweden - 46Switzerland - 41Syria - 963Taiwan - 886Tajikistan - 992Tanzania - 255Thailand - 66Togo -
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