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Pamela's Shihtzu HeavenHOME | PUPPIES READY | Prayer Requests | PUPPIES ALMOST READY | NEW PUPPIES IN NURSERY | FAMILIES TAKE PUPPY HOME | REVIEWS & VISITORS | MISSION | TRAINING | VIDEOS | HEALTH ISSUES | PARENTS | MY PROMISE | RESCUE/Adoption Older Dogs | CUSTOMER PICS of PRIDE | LOST Doggies | THRIFT STORE Project | Testing | GRAND MINI SCHNAUZERS 918-967-4498 Let my BLESSINGS become your BLESSINGS!Email me Pamela's Shih-Tzu ANGELS Raised with Love, Bred for Quality. To Everything thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 May I present to you, from my Shihtzu Heaven, the little angels that God has entrusted to me for placement into your family. You will find the best quality, most beautiful hair coats, cutest faces, sweetest natures, and best trained puppies here. I specialize in selective breeding (no inline or crossline) and therefore breeding out the flaws of the breed, creating a healthy puppy that will live a long happy life with you. I have four sizes: Miniatures/Imperials/Tiny Tots/Small Standards. Hello, my name is Pamela and I am the Pack Leader and Chief Pooper Scooper. I actually work a full time job in town and I do this for FUN!I take the time from birth to socialize, handle and train your puppy taking it right on into housebreaking @ 5 weeks and ready for seperation to your home between 10 to 12 weeks, the tiny ones sometimes longer. YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE HOW THIS PUPPY WILL SETTLE INTO YOUR HOME WITHIN THE FIRST 48 HOURS, PERFECTLY. How? by my ability to know when your puppy is ready and.......I TRAIN YOU also. Need help with your puppy, I am available to followup anytime. Pick up at the ranch, near Lequire, Oklahoma, and Your puppy will come with it's travel bag full of goodies: soft bed, halter and leash, toys, chews, feed, and surprises. I also sell their own cage/crate/wire beds fully decorated to fit nicely into your home(inquire by phone and ask me why they need one of these beds). Ask me about my new "play yard" it is a miracle for sure with territorial training of your new puppy. Great with kids too! I feed Eukanuba Small Breed Puppy moistened with water only. Occassionally I do add a tiny bit of supplement when weight needs to be added to the itty bitties,..ask me about amount. I also have a special trick on housebreaking that really works. I believe this food is very important for the continued good health and potty training of your puppy. I send home the 'special breakfast' which is my latest secret weapon to raising these itty bitty ones that we call the Mini Imperial, and of course the others love the special breakfast, too! Treats? NO, I prefer Rewards and I willexplain & send your first month's supply home with you, -hint.... it is dog food, not treats! **A devastating blow in May of 2009, I decided that the firmness in my right breast was not going away and a mamogram
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2025-01-26 01:07, Process in 0.0073 second.