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USU-Hadley School for the Blind Partnership We are the SKI-HI Institute - a group of dedicated individuals whose goal is to enhance the lives of young children with special needs, their families, and care givers. Our name is adapted from Sensory Impaired Home Intervention and is pronounced sky-high. "Sky high" is, for us, a destination of hope and fulfillment, supporting the family unit as they strive to meet the challenges and expectations for their child of differing abilities. Our training and services, begun in 1972, focus on early intervention and early childhood programming for infants and young children, ages birth to five, with hearing and vision impairments and other disabilities. We dedicate our work to encouraging discovery, learning, and the growth of self-esteem, thereby setting the stage for individuals with special needs to become able participants in society. SKI-HI Institute Center for Persons With Disabilities Utah State University 6500 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-6500 (435) 797-5600 (Phone) (435) 797-5580 (Fax) (435) 797-5584 (TTY) Preservice Training Program in Deafblindness Alaska Bike Run Click here for information about the 13th Annual Alaska Motorcycle Run to benefit SKI-HI Institute! Logan Mini Run About Us Giving Resources & Materials Outreach Training Projects Links HOPE, Inc
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2025-01-28 00:01, Process in 0.0057 second.