域名年龄: 22年5个月22天HTTP/1.1 302 Object moved 访问时间:2014年11月19日 23:22:32 服务器:Microsoft-IIS/6.0 语言环境:ASP.NET 目标网址: 文件大小:155 类型:text/html 设置Cookie:ASPSESSIONIDAAAABDAT=BADAAMDCEGKAELPKBHPJNFHO; path=/ 缓存控制:private HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2014年11月19日 23:22:32 服务器:Microsoft-IIS/6.0 语言环境:ASP.NET 文件大小:92700 类型:text/html 设置Cookie:ASPSESSIONIDAAAABDAT=CADAAMDCJAKBAKKOEBJGEADN; path=/ 缓存控制:private 页面编码:gb2312
学校首页新闻中心学校简介校园快讯通知公告最新喜报务本月报和谐校园百年回眸行政领导办学成果领导视察校际交流校务公开基本情况政策法规章程制度目标规划组织人事师生风采教师风采莘莘学子松小社团教育科研科研管理课题研究科研活动科研成果教科讯息资源中心教学课件教学视频常用软件电子书库学校FTP政风行风专栏文件导读实施方案整改问题调查访谈阶段总结管理平台网上办公学校FTP家校路路通旧版回顾热烈祝贺我校任丹老师被苏州市教育局评为“我身边的青春榜样”优秀青年教师!学校简介苏州市吴江区松陵小学是一所百年老校,始建于1911年,原名“省立吴江乡村师范附属小学”,2013年随吴江撤市设区更为现用名。学校坐落在吴江区中心地带的中山南路2158号,占地面积26亩,建筑面积 9132平方米 ,校园布局合理,校内绿树成荫,环境古朴优美。学校的占地面积,建筑面积,绿化面积均达到并超过苏州市教育现代化学校的标准。Songling Primary School (SLPS), a well-recognized and accredited school with more than one hundred years of history, was founded in 1911. Its predecessor, affiliated primary school to Wujiang Provincial Rural Normal College, was changed into the present name with the turning Wujing city into a district to Suzhou city in 2013.SLPS is located at No.2158 ,Zhongshan Road , centre area of Wujiang district .It covers an area of 26 mu (17333 square metres)and its building area is over 9132 square metres. The campus has a reasonable layout with many green trees ,elegant and beautiful surroundings The school area, building area and green area have reached and exceeded Suzhou standards for education modernization schools.学校小学部现有教职员工92人,31个班级,学生1260人。学校拥有一支师德高尚、业务精湛的师资队伍。90名专任教师中,拥有本科学历教师75人,本科学历教师占比为83.3%。学校现有苏州市学科带头人1人,市级学科、学术带头人 9人,市级教学(科)能手、教坛(科)新秀18人,区级骨干教师比例达31.1%。本科学历占比及区级骨干教师数在同类学校中处于领先位置。At present there is more than 92 staff. The school is large with over 1260 students on roll, forming 31 classes. We are proud of our teaching staff with noble virtues,superb business skills. Of 90 full-time teachers, 75 have undergraduate degrees, accounting for 83.3% of the total teachers. The school faculty numbers several professionals, including one Academic Leader awarded by the Suzhou Government, 9 Academic Leaders awarded by the Wujiang Government, 18 ‘master hands’and ‘fresh able teachers’ accounting for up to 31.1% of backbone teachers in the district. Compared with our counterparts, we take the lead when it comes to the teachers with an undergraduate degree and backbone teachers in the district.学校围绕建校时学校创始人费伯埙先生提出“自强自学 自治” 三自校训, 坚持“着眼务本教育 追求和谐发展” 办学理念,形成了“以自强为内涵的德育以自学为特征的课堂 以自治为重点的管理”实施体系。少先队礼仪教育、传统文化教育、健康卫生教育、校园诗词教育等逐渐成为学校的办学亮点。Adhering to the school motto of can-do, can-learn, can-rule proposed by Mr. Fei Bo xun , the founder, and insisting on the teaching philosophy of ‘focusing on the down-to-earth education, pursuing the harmonious development’,we are dedicated to forming a system to implement the moral education with can-do as the core, establish a classroom with the dynamic atmosphere of can-learn and manage the school with the characteristics of can-rule. Young Pioneers Courtesy Education, Traditional Culture Education, Health Education and School Poetry Education have highlighted our teaching practice.在上级和社会各界的关心下,学校取得了显著的办学成果。学校曾荣获“江苏省文明单位”、“江苏省和谐校园”、“江苏省健康促进金奖学校” “全国青少年文明礼仪教育示范基地学校“ “中华诗教先进单位”等荣誉称号。With the care and support from our leaders and all walks of life, we have made some achievements. In recent years, we have successively won honors such as: Ji
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