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Fully GroundedReconnecting with the planetHomeWhat is Grounding?ExperimentsVideosPeopleBooksLinksThe different voltages that flow through your body when ungroundedNovember 11th 2013This video gives an excellent demonstration of the differing voltages that flow through your body depending on how close you are to electrical interference. It also shows how you can earth yourself and send all these excess voltages out of your body and to ground, simply by taking your shoes off. Interestingly, you will also see how asphalt road surfaces are not a grounding environment because they act as an insulator, whereas concrete is a good earthing substrate.All about earthingNovember 3rd 2013Earthing is a fast-growing movement based upon the major discovery that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy is foundational for vibrant health. Here’s a short and sweet animation that explains the basics of earthing (or grounding), and what it is and does for you.Proof that grounding can reduce your blood pressureNovember 2nd 2013As a consequence of the low carbohydrate / high fat diet I have been eating since July this year my blood pressure has been slowly declining, and I have been monitoring it closely so that I can get my doctor to adjust my hypertension medications as necessary. As you can see from the chart on the left for October, slow but sure progress is being made.More interestingly, though, have a look at the dotted vertical line two thirds along. This represents the day I first started grounding myself using an earthing pad under my office keyboard and mouse. After a few days an earthing sheet I ordered arrived, and you can see even an further reduction in blood pressure once I fitted it to the bed.If you are skeptical about the concept of grounding this should make you at least think again. Yes, it may sound like nonsense, especially if you are scientifically trained. But it shouldn’t because grounding is a well-understood phenomenon, used the world over to shield electronics from unwanted interference. So why can’t grounding also help to shield people too?The theory behind this type of improvement in blood pressure comes from observations that comparisons of blood from ungrounded and grounded people are quite different. Ungrounded blood is often clumped and coagulated together, and the blood cells are slow moving. Whereas in grounded blood the cells are separated from each other and faster moving, as shown in the following image:Left: Ungrounded blood; Right: Blood after grounding for an hour.Therefore, it is believed, that this more disperse and faster blood requires less pressure to move it around the circulatory system, and so blood pressure drops.Lowered blood pressure is just one of the many benefits that grounding can provide. For example, my wife had been waking up with a headache for many months, but just two days after fitting the earthing sheet she woke up without one. What’s more she has had an annoying cough every
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