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HomeAboutMetalsPlasticsServicesNewsContact Exceptional service with avalue to match for nonferrousmetals & industrial engineering plastics. Exceptional service with avalue to match for nonferrousmetals & industrial engineering plastics. Metals Our core expertise is in stainless steel and Aluminium, covering Aerospace, Motorsport, Automotive, Commercial Engineering Plastics We now also deliver industrial grade plastic materials including Nylons & Cast Nylon, Acetal & Acrylic, Polyolefins & Polycarbonate,Polyester & PVC 24hr delivery With our own fleet of vehicles backed by a multi-national transport group, SSA will always deliver. Cutting services Our plate saws have a capacity of 200mm thick and 4 meters long, these are supported by our bar and tube band saws which will cut up to 8mm thick stainless steel. Download our brochure Metals Plastics Deliveredon time Cuttingservice 24hr Delivery Delivering the best possible service to you Our purpose built head office and service centre underpins our strategy of constant improvements in customer service and product range.We are an Independent, multi metal and plastics stockholder, with a team of pro-active, dedicated staff, experts in the supply of non-ferrous metals and industrial plastics. View Our Metals Range View Our Plastics Range Services Shropshire Stainless Steel and Aluminium is more than just a large UK multi-metals stockholder. In addition, we now also provide a range of industrial plastics. To support our core products, we also provide a wide range of other supporting services such as:. Cutting Folding & Bending Poly coating De-burring Polishing Packaging Delivery ABOUTQuality PolicyEnvironment PolicyHealth and SafetyISO Certificate METALSAluminiumAluminium PlateStainless Steel Other metals PLASTICS SERVICESCuttingFoldingCoatingDe-BurPolishingPackingDelivery NEWS CONTACT Brandmotive
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