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Home Contact GarXface has been completely rewritten to more easily adapt to Garmin's new protocols and communication methods. GarXface has long supported serial port and USB port communications, but who knows what the future holds. GarXface has been rewritten to quickly adapt to any changes in communication methods or protocols that are currently being planned or yet to be planned by Garmin. GarXface C++ Library and DLL An easy to use C++ library and DLL component that allows the end user programmer to communicate to Garmin GPS receivers without having to worry about the complex Garmin Interface protocol. Learn more about the C++ library component for the Garmin GPS here. GarXface now works with Garmin USB GPS receivers such as the Edge, Forerunner, GPSmap 76C, GPSmap 276C and the GPS 18. GarXface .Net (Dot Net) New! GarXface.Net 64 bit version. See the downloads page for details. A .Net (dot) component that allows the end user programmer to communicate to Garmin GPS receivers without having to worry about the complex Garmin Interface protocol. The .Net version will work with new languages such as C# (C Sharp) and the newer verions of Microsoft's Visual Basic (VB) and Visual C++. Learn more about the C++ library component for the Garmin GPS here. GarXface now works with Garmin USB GPS receivers such as the Edge, Forerunner, GPSmap 76C, GPSmap 276C and the GPS 18. GarXface OCX (ActiveX / COM) Control A Visual Basic (VB) ActiveX OCX component that that makes it easy to communicate to Garmin GPS receivers without having to worry about the complex Garmin Interface protocol. Even the non-programmer can learn to add code to products like Microsoft Excel (TM) or to a web site using this component. Learn more about the GarXface ActiveX Control here. GarXface ActiveX now works with Garmin USB GPS receivers such as the GPSmap 76C, GPSmap 276C and the GPS 18. Web Design by Stemplewski Software Products GarXface C++ GarXface .Net GarXface OCX Navigate Home Contact
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2025-03-08 16:28, Process in 0.0046 second.