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Site name Site description Home Site search Toggle Dropdown Login Remember me Log in page Create new account Recover lost username Recover lost password Go Keyword settingsAll WordsAny WordsExact phrase Order of resultsNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical Modules Zikula is an Open Source Content Application Framework (CMF) built on top of Symfony.With Zikula:Power: You get the all the features of Symfony PLUS: User Management: Built in User and Group management with Rights/Roles controlFront end control: You can customise all aspects of the site's appearance through themes, with support for jQuery, Bootstrap and many other modern technologiesInternationalization (i18n): You can mark content as being suitable for either a single language or for all languages, and can control all aspects of localisation of your siteExtensibility: you get a standard application-programming interface (API) that lets you easily extend your site's functionality through modulesMore: Admin UI, global categories, site-wide search, content blocks, menu creation, and more!Support: you can get help and support from the Zikula community of webmasters and developers at, Github and Slack.Enjoy using Zikula!The Zikula teamNote: Zikula is Free Open Source Software (FOSS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. Powered by Zikula
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2025-01-25 14:35, Process in 0.0045 second.