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L2Walker|Lineage2 WalkerA bot for Lineage2SearchMain menuSkip to primary contentSkip to secondary contentHomeDownloadGuide软件下载l2divinesitemapl2divine相关教程Post navigation← Older postsWe will release a no verification version for OOGFeaturedPosted on June 26, 2012 by l2walker57The author of l2walker said he will release a no verification version for OOG, but i don’t know the accurate time.I have a question: OOG is still working with lineage2? i think it is too old.2012/6/27 ok.Thanks for Drunk,Vicarius and shi_.Drunk on June 26, 2012 at 5:13 pm said:[......]Read morePosted in l2walker| 57 RepliesGuide To L2walker(6)Posted on July 3, 2012 by l2walker6write by GuyHentai from gogygo forumSound AlertsSound Setting One-Select the box to activate the sound alert-Click the “..” button to select the file path of the desired sound file to be used as a sound alert-Found GM – Plays a sound alert when a GM is in the area.-GM Whisper or Fr[......]Read morePosted in Guide| 6 RepliesGuide To L2walker(5)Posted on July 2, 2012 by l2walkerReplywrite by GuyHentai from gogygo forumGM StrategyGM Setting -Only thing in here is set the Flash GM Name Delay to 9999999 (looks funny if u keep typing /gmlist all the time, if your reported they check chat logs) -Checkup GM with Equip is when it finds a GM in area it will use whatever item[......]Read morePosted in Guide| Leave a replyGuide To L2walker(4)Posted on June 30, 2012 by l2walker2write by GuyHentai from gogygo forumPathing-Rand will make you run around randomly, killing monsters as you see them. (for expert users only plz)-Combat begin is center point will set your combat ranges from the place where you click begin combat, drawing that familiar red square around[......]Read morePosted in Guide| 2 RepliesGuide To L2walker(3)Posted on June 29, 2012 by l2walkerReplywrite by GuyHentai from gogygo forumOther Section-When member dead wait XX s. (I’m not sure about this one, its either log out or rez)-When XXXXX logout, wait XX (s) logout (Will make your char logout if the selected chars logout after the set period of time)-When Party Members less th[......]Read morePosted in Guide| Leave a replyGuide To L2walker(2)Posted on June 28, 2012 by l2walker1write by GuyHentai from gogygo forumHeal Options-Use Relax Skill – Check if you can use Relax. (Human Fighter Skill, they regen HP faster at the cost of MP)-Sit and Stand percentages will make your char sit and stand and the set percentages. If you don’t check stand, your char will stand[......]Read morePosted in Guide| 1 ReplyGuide To L2walker(1)Posted on June 27, 2012 by l2walkerReplywrite by GuyHentai from gogygo forumThis is a guide to L2walker that i did not create myself at all. I “Borrowed” this guide from and it was created by a person named HawkeyeReroll and i give him 100% credit for this guide. I am reposting this here because it makes this much easier fo[......] Read more Posted in G
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