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    抓取时间:2019年09月07日 20:35:32
    标题:U.N.J.S. | Union of Nazarene Jewish Synagogues
    Jump to ContentU.N.J.S.            Union of Nazarene Jewish SynagoguesHomeStatement of FaithBy-LawsStandardsJointitledescription          ‹›Fasting and Yom KippurStickySep17During discussions of Yom Kippur several years ago, an argument was presented that nowhere does the Scripture indicate that fasting is a requirement of Yom Kippur. This struck me as an odd thing, even dangerous. I had not even heard such a thing before. I didn’t know that there was any debate over this issue among observant Jews. I knew that some Reformed Jews would casually work and not fast o­n Yom Kippur, but was not aware that there were other groups in the Jewish community that did not believe that fasting was a requirement of Yom Kippur.Certainly the idea of fasting o­n Yom Kippur is an age old “tradition” among the more observant of both Jews and some Gentiles. There are even some “Christian” groups that fast o­n this day. Some groups fast o­n a regular basis, either for health or spiritual benefit, multiple times a year – even weekly.The instructions in question for Yom Kippur are in the following texts:Posted By admin      read moreHalacha of the BelieverOct06
    Excerpt from Messiah, Volume 1 By Avi Ben Mordecai
    Rabbi (Hacham) Shaul was a scholarly teacher of Torah, both of the Oral and Written codes. Not only did he order his life by it, but he also taught it to others, born Jews and born Gentiles alike. Since Sha'ul followed Messiah Y'shua, who also taught the Oral and Written Torah, I submit (at this time in my life) that we should be following in the footsteps of Judaism's great teachers of G-d's Law, so long as the halacha meets five conditions:
    It does not contradict Y'shua's teachings on Oral Torah.
    Posted By admin      read more
    Responsa on the matters of beards and tattoos
    Yedayim 4:3E tells us,"Everyone who gives a stringent ruling must bring forth proof."(Mishnah 4:3E(2))
    Posted By admin      read more
    Responsa on the matters of the Amidah and the Birkat HaMinim
    Our responsa on the matters of the Amidah and the Birkat HaMinim is written by consensus.
    In general it is as written to you before:
    There is no Torah command to pray thrice daily.
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    13 rules of Ishmael
    Now the Seven Rules of Hillel are of great importance to Nazarenes because:''They were first penned by Hillel BEFORE Messiah's coming''''They are used by Messiah and other NT writers.''''Paul speaks of "rightly dividing the word" and since he was a student of Gamliel (grandson of Hillel) and since he used the seven rules of Hillel, it appears that "rightly dividing" refered at least in part, to the seven rules of Hillel.''Now the 13 rules of Ishmael were first penned by Ishmael AFTER the first century (though they likely existed long before they were penned). However, they are important to us none the less for two reasons:
    'They seem to have some intrinsic value.''''We must be able follow the reasoning of the Rabbis of the Mishna and the T

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