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ENGLISHGeneral InformationUruguayan foods and desertsPopular food in UruguayAsado criollo: secretsFoodHow to make asadoEasy empanadas recipes Uruguayan food recipes: chivitosDough for empanadasMilanesas recipes Puchero recipeBeef stew with noodles recipe Beans stew recipe Lentils stew recipe Rice and beef stew recipe Cazuela de mondongo recipe Pascualina recipe Beef tomato sauce recipe Chicken tomato sauce recipe Desserts Easy flan recipe Dulce de leche recipe Uruguayan foods and desserts Traditions An important part of the traditions of the Uruguayans is related to food and deserts. When Uruguayans want to do a meeting with friends, doing so with an asado is usually one of the main options. Eating an asado, bizcochos, a flan with dulce de leche, or an arroz con leche are always good excuses to sit down and get up to the date with friends or family. Asado The asado is the typical Uruguayan food by excellence. The traditional Uruguayan asado is cooked in a special oven, called parrillero, in which the meat is cooked over wood fire. The meat used for an asado usually consists on "tiras de asado" accompanied with chorizos, morcillas, chinchulines, mollejas, and other meat pieces. Actually, one of the first things that call the attention of people who visit Uruguay is the way in which asados can be seen everywhere: most restaurants cook them, and often you can see the asado being cooked from your table. Also, the smell of asado is typical to Uruguay; take a walk on a Sunday noon and you will surely smell an asado within a few blocks. Loading... Dulce de leche The dulce de leche is other of the most important elements in the traditional Uruguayan cuisine. Dulce de leche is present in many Uruguayan desserts as well as it is eaten with bread, cookies, bizcochos, and many other things depending on the personal preferences A basic list There are several main traditional foods and desserts you should not miss if you visit Uruguay. Among them we can name: the asado (of course), milanesas, chivitos, pascualina, empanadas, arroz con leche, flan (can be with dulce de leche), alfajores, and dulce de leche ice cream. Custom Search ESPAÑOL Información General Comidas y postres uruguayos Comida popular en Uruguay Asado criollo: secretos Comida Cómo hacer asado Recetas fáciles de empanadas Recetas de comida uruguaya: chivitos Masa para empanadas Recetas de milanesas Receta de puchero Receta de guiso de carne con fideos Receta de guiso de porotos Receta de guiso de lentejas Receta de guiso de arroz y carne Receta de cazuela de mondongo Receta de pascualina Receta de tuco con carne Receta de tuco con pollo Postres Receta fácil de flan Receta de dulce de leche Buscador para Compras Online en Uruguay Contact - Legal statement - Declaración legal - Privacy Policy - Política de Privacidad braziliansfood.com - foodofcentralamerica.com Copyright www.uruguayanfood.com
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