域名年龄: 24年10个月8天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 访问时间:2012年09月29日 15:12:21 修改日期:2012年09月23日 23:08:51 网页标记:"4cac5db-5e88-4ca5fd9c346c0" 接受单位:字节 文件大小:24200 动作:Accept-Encoding 类型:text/html 页面编码:iso-8859-1
The menu items in RED require a current USS Jouett Association Membership If your dues are current and you have not received the username and password Please contact the webmaster This web site is dedicated to the Officers and Crews of the United States Ships named Jouett - DD41/DD396/DLG29-CG29 A great time was had by all at the 7th USS Jouett Reunion in Portland OR A special "Thanks" to our hosts Ray & Colleen Fair, Terry & Maureen Smith, and Bob & Shirley Terhune The pre-planning and behind the scenes work that goes into creating an event for a hundred people can be a daunting task Working with the hotel, tour coordinators, caterers, and attendees to ensure a successful event takes many months of planning and coordination. We attendees want to extend our sincere thanks to our hosts who put hundreds of hours into making this event a memorable one! BRAVO ZULU 9/1/2012 There were a lot of cameras at the Reunion We have several options available to people who want to share their pictures with us For the very computer literate we have an FTP site For the people who know their way around their computer we have a web-based upload site For the people who can send an email with attachments send your pictures to - If you have photos to share please contact me via email and we will work together to get them uploaded 9/1/2012 Updated the Ships Store 9/18/2012 Updated the Contacts page 9/15/2012 Updated the Reunion 2012 Photos Page 9/1/2012 She's Gone... See Final Cruise Page for details Please email your pictures to: Please welcome the following Shipmates to the USS Jouett Roster Dennis Castret Louis Mellito Thomas Bladow Richard Hayes Please CLICK HERE to check the Missing Shipmates page to see if we are missing your contact information Last message posted by Wayne Bailey on September 15, 2012, 3:25:43 (Click Here) For information on how to join the Association please visit our Membership page Association By-Laws Creating lifelong friendships with people who you have never met but already know so much about is an awesome experience. 2008 Reunion Attendee I had a great time with great friends. I had seen some of their pictures, read of or heard about them, but had never met them. We had all walked the same passageways, climbed the same ladders, slept and worked in the same spaces. Not all of us did this during the same time frame though. Some were ten years ahead of me while others were ten years behind. I call them all shipmate. I call them all friend. Last updated 9/23/2012 Since March 2000 This site was created by and is maintained by Tim Kane, former GMG2 on Jouett from 1976-1979 © USS Jouett (DLG-29/CG-29) Association 2000 - 2012 All Rights Reserved
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