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EspañaFrançaisPycckийEnglishHomeAbout usProductsGarden ToolsWatering Spray GunWatering WandHose ConnectorGarden HosePressure SprayerWater TimerSprinkerHose Reel Watering CanIrrigation System OthersCutting ToolsPruning ShearsLopping ShearsGrass ShearsHedge ShearsSawShear SetsGarden ToolsShort HandleLong HandleLeaf RakeFarm ToolsBroom and BrushLady and KidsSnow Shovel Tool SetsOthersCover and BagPlant CoverPlant BagGarden Trash SackOthersFlower Pot and TraysGarden BedSeed TrayFlower PotFlower Pot Caddy and HolderHanging BasketOthersGreenhouseSteel GreenhouseAluminium GreenhousePop-up GreenhouseOthersGarden ProtectionKneelerGarden Shoes and GripGlovesGrass HatOthersAnimal Care and Pest ControlBird CareMouse TrapInsect Trap and KillerIntruder RepellerOthersNetting and FencingNettingPlastic FenceSteel FenceWillow FenceWooden FenceFlower Pot StandOthersGarden CartSeed SpreaderLawn MowerWheel BarrowGarden Leaf CartOthersGarden DecorationArtifical Grass and FlowerGarden TilesHunting DecoysPinwheel and PluginTorchOthersGarden AccessoiresTheremometersRain GaugeGarden StakeRope and WireTie and ClampGarden LabelOthersGarden Power ToolsBlower VacuumGrass TrimmerHedge TrimmerShredderChain SawTillerPole SawLog SplitterScarifier & RakeSnowplowPower WateringBrush CutterMultifunctionLawn MowerOutdoorSwingIndoor SwingOutdoor SwingHeaterElectric HeaterGas HeaterKerosene HeaterBBQElectric BBQGas BBQCharcoal BBQSolar LightDecorative Solar LightFunctional Solar LightPower StationLightingOutdoor LightTri-proof LightOutdoor Wall LightGarden LightUnderground LightFloor LightBulkhead LightIndoor LightFluorescent Lighting FixtureDown LightCeiling LightPanel LightCar Used LightDesk LampLight SourceCFLFluorescent TubeLed BulbLed TubeWIFI Controled Smart SeriesSmart BulbSmart Terminal BoxSmart SocketHand ToolsFastening ToolsStriking ToolsCutting ToolsMeasuring ToolsConstruction ToolsMechanic ToolsPower Tool AccessoriesSafety ProductsTool SetTool BoxOtherswhat's newInventoryDownloadContact UsAbout UsVERTAK is an international trade enterprise specializing in Garden outdoor products. Being one of the largest exporters in Garden field, VERTAK provides various products including : garden machinery, garden hand tools, irrigation equipments, decorations and accessories for garden, garden instruments, outdoor lighting, outdoor furniture as well as tourism leisure products. With an annual turnover of 50 million, our products have found a good sale in areas, such as European, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa, Australia and other countries.VERTAK is a persified group, which owns ...Garden ToolsmoreGarden Power ToolsmoreBBQmoreLightingmoreHand ToolsmoreProductsFor more information on our products, please leave a text message or contact us directly. We will contact you immediately upon receiving your message. We sincerely hope that we can cooperate with friends from all different fields so as to join hands together to share the fruits of success. moreWhat's new More&
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